Merry christmas
@canyerdogputoutafire .
And a happy new year.
Just been to the three kings festival in town and it was top bannnana.
I never had any dinner as I was giďy before we went.
We got front row seats in Rons bar and i filmed away hoping for some action.
The floats all threw everything from burgers to cakes and boiled sweets at us and no matter how hard I tryed I could not catch one.
They bounvced off my head and chin and I never got any at all.
I think they were being racist towards us because the of not getting one was infintisamale as they threw hundreds at a time ?
Anyway in the accent of Manuel ...
eventually.. they wil accept me.
We went for tapis afterwards and then we went back to our digs for proper food as tapis is just fooking ariund with small portion sizes.
After our tea at 9 o oclock we went to the entrertaiment and it was pablo bloom.
Our united pals saw us and came over even though we were wearing camo-flange.
They was good people and was civilised and everything eh ?
At the end of the night it was propr messey and me and the wife was boollocked on gordons.
We said goodbye and stubbled over the table incuring small smillage.
Mark the red said we should tell them in case someone slipped.
I Told minigment that mark had spilled his dtinks again and they sid they have to discuss this with him in the morning which is fair eniugh.
If he would have behived like a human being then he would not be in trouble ehh??.
I dont have to worry about breaking radio silencio as mrs taxi is cabbaged on cocktails.
She is working her way through the card and is now on pinanucerherda but curently anethitised.
I have just eaten all of the balconi rollino latte milko choco rolls and sponge angelinos with my brew.
They can be relacied buts thats not the point as i have the daughters wedding in may and have to lose three stones.
I could sell a kindeyney and cut my toe nails i guess,
Worry worry worry .. .. and as my new city pal from ireland says wibble.