Jack the Ripper

johnny on the spot

Well-Known Member
19 Jul 2006
I must get asked about this at least 3 times a week by the usual Martine Cole types.....


I'm a fanatical librarian, I'mhalf decent when it comes to research and have some decent civic/military contacts. If your great grandad won the VC I can tell you what the mad bastard had for breakfast that morning. But I haven't a Scooby Doo as to the identity of Jack the Ripper. I can however source original press documents without bother.

How bout BM as a site gets involved and solves the fucker once and for all?
Kosminski and the so called Irish/Canadian quack doctor Francis Tumblety.I think those two are the most popular suspects.Patricia Cornwell wrote a book claming it to be the artist Walter Sickert.The true crime magazine out this month is doing a peice claiming it to be James Kelly.A guy who works with me who has done the East end tour of jack the ripper,supports the royal theory.You could go one forever coming up with a variety of different suspects,that's what makes it so fascinating for people worldwide.Just type Jack the ripper into any search engine and see the amount of stuff it brings up.The fact of the matter is,we will never know who went on a mad killing spree in the East End of London back in 1888.
johnny on the spot said:
I must get asked about this at least 3 times a week by the usual Martine Cole types.....


I'm a fanatical librarian, I'mhalf decent when it comes to research and have some decent civic/military contacts. If your great grandad won the VC I can tell you what the mad bastard had for breakfast that morning. But I haven't a Scooby Doo as to the identity of Jack the Ripper. I can however source original press documents without bother.

How bout BM as a site gets involved and solves the fucker once and for all?

I'm a ripper nut pal, and from the amount i've read on the subject the best piece of investigatory journalism was done in the book by stephen wright 'the final solution', his body of work centres around the famous victorian artist walter sickert, a very interesting theory, though somewhat tainted by pieces of evidence being rebuffed after patricia cornwell brought out a book and totally did the hollywood conspiracy genre, in the process destroying a legitimate theory. The evidence by Wright was compelling as it closely linked sickert and Klosowski (aka chapman), who were believed to be drinking buddies, creatures of the night. Sickert in his famous 'camden town murder' painting reveals

astonishing facts about a ripper murder, documentation which was only released by the met in 1919, the painting is dated much earlier. The link between sickert and klosowski is also reinforced by the portraits of 2 of chapmans 3 wives.
Obviously it is a mystery which will be clouded throughout time, though the face of a genuine suspect, and my personal number 1 suspect is here

George Chapman aka Severin Antoniovich Klosowski
My money is on Francis Tumblety. An American with a debatable 'Doctor' title and a history of deception and proven hatred of women, fuelled by his repressed homosexuality.

The 'From Hell' letter has been attributed to him be several hand writing experts also. The murders also were not a clean cut as everyone generally thinks, fitting with his rudimentary knowledge of the anatomy and violent tenancies. There is also evidence that he kept around his rented accommodation formaldehyde jars of various reproductory parts. He was also unaccountable at the boarding house where he was staying, very close to the initial murders, at the time of the murders. Shortly after the last murder occurred, he hopped on a boat back to North America.
tony coleman said:
Peter Sutcliffes great grandad, runs in the blood..

whilst you mention Peter Sutcliffe....

My step dad were in the same form as him throughout highschool in Bradford. He sat at the back of the class and never said a word to anyone.
bluetonium said:
My money is on Francis Tumblety. An American with a debatable 'Doctor' title and a history of deception and proven hatred of women, fuelled by his repressed homosexuality.

The 'From Hell' letter has been attributed to him be several hand writing experts also. The murders also were not a clean cut as everyone generally thinks, fitting with his rudimentary knowledge of the anatomy and violent tenancies. There is also evidence that he kept around his rented accommodation formaldehyde jars of various reproductory parts. He was also unaccountable at the boarding house where he was staying, very close to the initial murders, at the time of the murders. Shortly after the last murder occurred, he hopped on a boat back to North America.


My money is on him.A well documentes hatred of women and prostitutes,was in London at teh time of the murders,had a penchant for collecting uteruses and,if correct,had a piece of evidnce on him after he fled to america!!He`s the man!!
Yeah, it's an interesting one. Klosowski was believed by the police to be in France at the time of at least 2 of the murder, according to some sources, but who knows.

Another big clue is said to be in the language of the letters themselves - very informal and grammatically lacking. Regional phrases such as 'Dear Boss' and so on, some have suggested show typical signs of a lower class and possibly Irish upbringing. Tumblety was an Irish American, his father an Irishman born and bred and given the travelling nature of his family and education systems of the time, he probably schooled Francis himself to some large degree.

However, there again it could all be to throw us of the scent - as said above history has probably clouded this one over forever, or at least until we invent observational time-travel ;)

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