Jay Slater | Body confirmed as Jay (P159)

Prince Charles strikes painfully awkward figure as he takes part in Middle  Eastern knife dance - NZ Herald

This smacks of lies and smokescreening. Claims he slipped off the road whilst on a call. Not going to slip far though, the slopes aren't exactly vertical. And if he had slipped and somehow knocked himself out, his body would still be close to the road or path and would have been found.
Same with the talk of 1% on the battery and having no water. Was there no water in the airbnb? Didn't have a drink before he left, or take some with him?
This smacks of lies and smokescreening. Claims he slipped off the road whilst on a call. Not going to slip far though, the slopes aren't exactly vertical. And if he had slipped and somehow knocked himself out, his body would still be close to the road or path and would have been found.
Same with the talk of 1% on the battery and having no water. Was there no water in the airbnb? Didn't have a drink before he left, or take some with him?
I think everyone knowns it's all bollocks, just hope that the Guardia Civil and UK plod can see this and are working away behind the scenes. They've only got 119 pages of Bluemoon sleuthism to trawl through, the truth is in there somewhere.
A strange situation. They are saying he is a wrong un for hitting someone with a golf club. Depends the circumstances.

When I was a lad I was playing golf and looked down at something moving. It was a gorgeous little mouse cleaning its face. This **** passed me and asked what was that beside me. I said it was a mouse. He had a stick a proceeded to hit and kill the little mouse. I saw red and attempted to smash his head in with my club, he moved but I caught him above his ear spitting his head open and as he turned to run away, I again saw tried to bring it down on his fleeing head, ended up hitting him on the back. Didn’t feel a wrong un for that then, and don’t now either. Cruelty to animals gets me that way. To my mind every scrape I have been in when cunts have been hitting animals I never felt anything but justified. Proud even,
A strange situation. They are saying he is a wrong un for hitting someone with a golf club. Depends the circumstances.

When I was a lad I was playing golf and looked down at something moving. It was a gorgeous little mouse cleaning its face. This **** passed me and asked what was that beside me. I said it was a mouse. He had a stick a proceeded to hit and kill the little mouse. I saw red and attempted to smash his head in with my club, he moved but I caught him above his ear spitting his head open and as he turned to run away, I again saw tried to bring it down on his fleeing head, ended up hitting him on the back. Didn’t feel a wrong un for that then, and don’t now either. Cruelty to animals gets me that way. To my mind every scrape I have been in when cunts have been hitting animals I never felt anything but justified. Proud even,

We have found Jay, call off the search :)
It is what it is. He's lived here 35 years and was involved in a lot of dodgy stuff. He knows everybody and has contacts still in the local police who he used to pay off when in his dodgy days. He's not just some bloke in a boozer, he's well connected.
Which bar is this if you don’t mind me asking?

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