Jay Slater | Body confirmed as Jay (P159)

The mother is com0laining about online trolls.

Cry me a river, does she ever think of the poor lad who was battered by her violent son? That family are absolute pondlife, one less scrote to worry about hopefully.
Karma alive and well ?
Just out of curiosity what would your stance be if it was your lad who had done these past crimes and found himself lost in Tenerife. Surely you wouldn't give Two fucks if he was dead?

I'm a believer in second chances, if he hadn't have been up to no good in Tenerife then I might have more sympathy. He was a drug pusher who hasn't learnt his lesson.

I don't actually wish him harm, I just am completely indifferent to him. One less scumbag in the world isn't a tragedy.
At what age, and to do what?

We just had an 80th celebration of a generation of lads (most barely no longer “kids”) who saved the fucking world, yet we are now all concerned that we are “losing kids” because of teaching geography instead of getting counseling?

Newsflash: Life growing up in any industrialized European nation is a cushy number for the vast majority of kids, especially compared to the other billion plus kids elsewhere.

Put down the phone, turn off the TV, put some work in, eat some real food…

Half the fucking world has gone soft coddling kids, while the other half trains them for the harsh realities of real life and surviving in the non-Utopian dog eat dog world adults have to deal with day after day.

Lastly, if you don’t work for a corporation, does that mean you want us all to be Commies working for & living off the Govt tit or what? Who is going to provide the jobs, and thus money, for these kids to live?

I grew up in Macclesfield, Fallowfield, Rusholme, Radcliffe, and Mossley…hardly garden spots of Greater Manchester. We lived out of my Dad’s right pants pocket and my Mum had to make the Family Allowance last for a family of six or we went without. Didn’t realize we had nowt until I was a teenager and got actual new clothes, not hand me downs. Used to visit both sets of grandparents every weekend…Dad’s had McVities Homewheat and a sixpence for us and Mum’s had a bowl of fruit and a quarter of Lion’s Wine Gums. We thought it was Christmas every Sunday!

Yes, life was simpler, but it wasn’t easy, no one had a computer-TV in their pocket and if I even entertained the notion of carrying a knife, machete, or getting in a fight where I wasn’t defending myself or one of my siblings, I’d have got a good hiding and expected it!

Time to remove all personal electronics from schools, everyone in uniforms that are inexpensive, hardwearing, & not particularly fashionable and concentrating on getting the 3 R’s back in kids, before they go off to their mandatory 2 years of National Service (no exceptions…everybody can do something!).

From a distance, British decay looks to be accelerating as yet another round of kids joins the great uneducated, undriven, zero desire to work hard to get ahead generation that went before.

Those that do work hard and get ahead are then held up as yet another example of the “Great Divide,” as if income and lifestyle inequality magically happens TO people, as opposed to being created BY people.

Rant over.

P.S. Carry a knife or machete, get treated like the adult you THINK you are and get the wake up of a lifetime!

P.P.S. Jail is the place where you WORK OFF your sentence. Non-compliance merely extends your incarceration. Zero tolerance drug and violence policies in effect to stop them being Crime Universities. You earn privileges or “suffer” without them…you are not going on your jollies!

P.P.S. Oh yeah, I guess that all makes me a FOC who just doesn’t get it or doesn’t understand, even though I somehow managed to raise two productive members of society who knew there was no free lunch and work wasn’t optional.
You managed to raise two productive members of society. Fair dues to you and them. But imagine one had hung out with some idiot that led him into a string of nightmare situations. Or one of your kids had a chemical imbalance that had him doing stupid shit over and over. Or one of them had a personality that rebeled against any authority, etc, etc.

You are lucky.

Not everyone is so lucky. We should be helping them until they are ready. There is plenty of time for teens to get a regular education. They come out of college too early anyway.

IMO it's like wanting your kid to be good at sport. You need them to love it first. We need troubled kids to want to be better at something positive.

PS. I agree on devices, uniforms, prison, etc. We need respect and fairness all round.

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