Jeremy Clarkson : Execute strikers

mr t

Well-Known Member
24 Oct 2007
Headlines from AOL

BBC forced to issue swift apology after offensive remarks on live TV

Strikers 'should be shot in front of families' says Clarkson on The One Show.

Poor old Jezzer's obviously missing the old fox hunts and feels that his fast car and champagne lifestyle is under threat from strikers. How do these ignorant fat fuckers end up on our screens in the first place?
He's playing to his audience. People will love it 'Just jezza having a joke', etc. etc. Must have a book or DVD coming out for Christmas, and just after cheap headlines.
He thrives off the reactions of the public. Okay, I agree with very little he has to say, but I quite like his gung-ho approach to being a presenter, at least he has some kind of personality, even if that personality is being a complete arse.
He's not wrong.

Its Darwinan you see, we can loose the lowest and the dumbest, quick, efficient I like the sound of that.

Are we allowed to rope in some from the other end also, a few useless top enders that don't contribute, oh and Jordan.

I feel a list coming on.
I wonder...

You never see SWP's Back and Clarkson in the same place at the same time...

Just a spooky coincidence...?


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