Jeremy Clarkson : Execute strikers

Clarkson shot himself in the foot tonight.
Outside the world of masturbating fast car fan boys he's out of his depth.
He has a new DVD out. He goes on a semi popular tv show to promote it. He says some outlandish things. The interweb goes ape shit mental. The papers pick it up. He sells more DVD's. Win Win.
denislawsbackheel said:
Clarkson shot himself in the foot tonight.
Outside the world of masturbating fast car fan boys he's out of his depth.

I am none of these but i like top gear and think he is funny, while my dad cant stand him but likes top gear. He also didnt shoot himself in the foot he said exactly what he meant to say and got exactly the reaction he was looking for
Kris_Musampa said:
I wonder...

You never see SWP's Back and Clarkson in the same place at the same time...

Just a spooky coincidence...?

If I had his money, I wouldn't lower myself to speak with the likes of bluemoon posters.

;-)<br /><br />-- Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:28 am --<br /><br />
denislawsbackheel said:
Clarkson shot himself in the foot tonight.
Outside the world of masturbating fast car fan boys he's out of his depth.
I really don't think he did. He can't be sacked as he makes the beed to much money and most people I know took it in the way that it was meant. As for being out of his depth, I take it you don't read his columns? He just doesn't give a toss or worrying about the pc brigade.
mr t said:
Headlines from AOL

BBC forced to issue swift apology after offensive remarks on live TV

Strikers 'should be shot in front of families' says Clarkson on The One Show.

Poor old Jezzer's obviously missing the old fox hunts and feels that his fast car and champagne lifestyle is under threat from strikers. How do these ignorant fat fuckers end up on our screens in the first place?
and get paid shit loads of money for doing it

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