Jimmy Wagge & Henry Winter - Mutual Admiration Society

Winter also seemed to think Cook said Kaka had bottled it for not joining City for the money. No you tart, he said Milan bottled it.
Wagge is a gob nothing else, he is the Paul Hince of radio, claims to be a City fan and then licks the arse of everything red. Today the way he licked Winter's arse and allowed him to spout lies was a disgrace. He should, has a journalist never mind a City fan, have challenged Winter's inaccuracies, he thinks he's funny he's using the same bloody script for more years than you can shake a stick at. What we need is James H back but he wouldn't be prepared to lick anyone's arse like Jimmy Fucking Ragge does.
Jimmy Wagg is no journalist. Decent-ish broadcaster/script-reader, maybe, but he ain't got a journalist's nose for a story, hence lack of incisive questioning with Lord Snooty today.
We're getting shite off Jimmy Wagg? Let's give it all up now, eh?

And Henry Winter, reluctantly putting 'Sheikh Mansour' or 'Mr Khaldoon' instead of 'Hair-triggered Oil Rich Sand Wog' doth not a half decent journalist make, you fat tosser.
johnny on the spot said:
We're getting shite off Jimmy Wagg? Let's give it all up now, eh?

And Henry Winter, reluctantly putting 'Sheikh Mansour' or 'Mr Khaldoon' instead of 'Hair-triggered Oil Rich Sand Wog' doth not a half decent journalist make, you fat tosser.

The fucker wants to marry Rooney. I just know he does.
kramer said:
Wagge is a gob nothing else, he is the Paul Hince of radio, claims to be a City fan and then licks the arse of everything red. Today the way he licked Winter's arse and allowed him to spout lies was a disgrace. He should, has a journalist never mind a City fan, have challenged Winter's inaccuracies, he thinks he's funny he's using the same bloody script for more years than you can shake a stick at. What we need is James H back but he wouldn't be prepared to lick anyone's arse like Jimmy Fucking Ragge does.

I've said the same umpteen times before and people on here have jumped down my throat. Didn't hear the interview so can't comment on that but as stated his comments re Utd are cringeworthy. Maybe he's just keeping his rag brother in law sweet to he keeps him in a job!
Anyone remember "Jimmy Wagg, the Closet Rag"?

Some City fan made that up a few years ago and got it published somewhere...

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