John Guidetti

He must be pretty close to it now. I'd love to see him get a chance but have a feeling he won't unless someone goes down injured before January (when he'll be shipped out on loan).
Would you? Based on what? All his PL performances to date? Exactly how many times have you seen him play? Please give me a resume of his strengths and weaknesses.
He may be nearing towards being part of training but miles away in match practice. A 6 month loan back to Feynoord will be good for him I reckon, he will get played and get his confidence back.

One of our strikers is going to move on during the summer so he slots back in and takes part in pre season and earns himself a spot in the squad for next year.
manchester blue said:
Would you? Based on what? All his PL performances to date? Exactly how many times have you seen him play? Please give me a resume of his strengths and weaknesses.
Finishing, which we need.
He needs someone to put together an Ikea TV stand right now. Any handymen with a power screwdriver at a loose end tonight?

John Guidetti ‏@superguidetti
#SG I need Some help With putting togheter à Ikea tv draw i Did wrong so need professional help in Manchester please help help help ....
Me thinks he may have purchased more than the odd pack of meatballs and apple strudel while he was in there.
CTID101 said:
He may be nearing towards being part of training but miles away in match practice. A 6 month loan back to Feynoord will be good for him I reckon, he will get played and get his confidence back.

One of our strikers is going to move on during the summer so he slots back in and takes part in pre season and earns himself a spot in the squad for next year.

So we are not going to buy another top class stiker then?
manchester blue said:
Would you? Based on what? All his PL performances to date? Exactly how many times have you seen him play? Please give me a resume of his strengths and weaknesses.

At last some sense. Have any of those praising Guidetti ever seen him play. IMO he is a fat Paul Moulden, not the savouir of Manchester City's season. It's like England fans "once Jack Wilshire is fit, Everything will slot into place and England will win the World Cup". Baffling!

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