Jon Champion

Manchestercitychorlton said:
put mute on and tune into radio Manchester. Commentated on by city fans.

The trouble is it's out of sync so Cheesy's going berserk screaming goal on the radio while onscreen Barry's passing to Yaya in the centre circle.

Jon Champion is a **** though. He's been at it since last season, constantly bleating on about our spending while ignoring the rags spending billions over the years
You should put in a complaint to ESPN i just have never done out like that before but that Champion is a fucking tosser and Waddle talks shite every time I hear the twat he reminds me of a parent on a kids touchline Sunday mornings who played 3rd Div Sunday football and thinks he was better than anyone who ever kicked a ball total Wanker in my humble opinion yepp a pair of TWATS.
Manchestercitychorlton said:
put mute on and tune into radio Manchester. Commentated on by city fans.

I was driven to doing this cos I certainly couldn't listen to those biased cunts any longer
In time the titles and trophies will come and the Hansens, Mersons and Champions of this world will be working on hospital radio in Norwich.
Terrible commentator, the same with the rest of them covering the Premier League.

Champions, Pearce, Tyler can all fuck off. Just commentate on the match, they are like the refs nowadays, they think that they are the glue that pulls this multi billion pound entertainment show together.
The main reason I'm cancelling my subscription.

When we play on ESPN, instead of having the players names on the shirt, they should have the transfer fee, because this is of far more importance to the prick that is Jon Champion. And Chrssy 'Tempo' Waddle can fuck right off as well. (Why have a fuckin Geordie commenting when no-one outside the north eastcan understand a fucking word of it?)
Whilst i agree Champion was out of order last week re Muamba, i have always found him ok (its Waddle or Burley who are the real cunts IMO)... Champion is a Leeds fan, so money is a touchy subject, however i get the feeling, he more than any other commentator on British tele wants us to beat the filth.

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