Jonny Evans

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I'm astonished they rejected our bid of £18m. He's a player who wouldn't be a regular starter for most of the top 10 teams in the league.
Weird really the more that people say they don't want him the more I want us to sign him

Funny that...when i have a jam butty in the garden and i want the wasps that inevitably turn up to fuck off, they seem even more determined to get on my tits and butty.
Saving £25 million

If he's good enough for Barcelona, he's good enough for us.
Am hoping club have leaked this so called story to deflect from a REAL target. Correction AM PRAYING
I'm astonished they rejected our bid of £18m. He's a player who wouldn't be a regular starter for most of the top 10 teams in the league.
Have we seriously bid for him.
I thought it was a piss take.
On a free no cos he's shit.
But 18 million
Fuck off.
Find me an experienced, homegrown option for less who can do a job for us and is happy to be fourth choice. And please don't give me a prospect from the Championship. WBA fans seem to rate him just fine; we can't sign £50mm players for every position.
Does it have to be of his top equal standard ?
The thought of paying anything or even employing such a massive rag knocks me sick. This is worse than Hughes as manager.
I have a bag of sand in the garage.
Had it ages.
Txiki can have it for £17 mill!
Would do a better job than Evans!
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