Just got out!

Why Always Ste

Well-Known Member
15 Oct 2009
111 South Stand

Sorry to you dedicated City fans on here who have been going to the new stadium for a good few years now, I recently sorry I mean many years ago now I had a car crash and went into a Coma....

Last game of the season it was, we lost against Southampton 1-0, feels like yesterday, well it was for me...

Anyway I've come out of the coma now and i've just been told we are 4th in the English Premier League and are joint second in our Europa League (apparently this is the EUFA Cup now?)

I didn't believe it at first, Wow! Where did David Sommeil go? Belmadi?
Surely we couldn't of got here with those players?
Spot on fella.
Don't you just piss your self at some of the shit written on here.
I'm 47 and never seen city win fuck all.
Been ST holder since I was 16, I have to chuckle at some of the comments on here.
My 2 boys 16 & 12 have put up with total shit at school for quite a few years but their time is just around the corner.
Wankers like the red tops and tossers like ITV tonight will be grovelling to us in the next decade.
The johnny come latelys are arriving my friend, but that is the norm for clubs going places.

You like me are obviously sitting back and enjoying the ride!!!

I believe NDJ grew up watching Betamax videos of Gerry Gow ;)
Great post.

We're in a good position and it's only going to get better.

We need to get behind the team though. They need us now.

Eric Wirral said:
Spot on fella.
Don't you just piss your self at some of the shit written on here.
I'm 47 and never seen city win fuck all.
Been ST holder since I was 16, I have to chuckle at some of the comments on here.
My 2 boys 16 & 12 have put up with total shit at school for quite a few years but their time is just around the corner.
Wankers like the red tops and tossers like ITV tonight will be grovelling to us in the next decade.
The johnny come latelys are arriving my friend, but that is the norm for clubs going places.

You like me are obviously sitting back and enjoying the ride!!!

I believe NDJ grew up watching Betamax videos of Gerry Gow ;)

You might be right mate but it won´t be under this manager imho
I just detect many people are spoilt now, demanding so much in such a short space of time in the clubs history.
Sure expectations have increased alot, and when results go against these expectations it's easy to spit the dummy out....

As mentioned above - i'm just here for the ride, supporting this club has always felt like a rollercoaster and it's no different now.

Just remember that!

We ain't won nothing for a long time, not in my lifetime anyway (i'm 25) so why should I expect anything?
Put Messi, tranny, Rooney, anyone in the team i'd still walk into COMS most weeks and expect my nails to be chewed to pieces
boys please be careful we'll be getting slagged off for being 'happy clappers'
im too mid 40's and nt seen us win owt since i was 11 ffs! and ive had season ticket for over 20yrs , we are FOURTH in the premier lg , we are a win away from qualifying for the knockout stages of the eufa cup, jesus thats shit bring back brannon , creaney , bradbury , bob taylor , gareth taylor etc etc etc
im too sitting back and enjoying the ride
Well I've just gone from the reading the worst post on here tonight (Curbishley in) to reading this, the best post.
Top post! As you say we've had worse times (and we'll probably have worse than we are having now but boy will we have better one too!)

As an aside to some like-aged Blues (42) something I've been struggling with for a while now - my first City game was the 76 LC Final - does that make me a glory hunter?

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