Kaka's church


Active Member
15 Jan 2009
Tell you what, some church in Manchester is going to hit the jackpot when 50k a week starts flowing into its coffers.

They're going to need one almighty collection plate!

I'll bet there will be quite a few applications to be vicar of that place. And a few new members of the congregation, too.

Let's hope it's a church in Longsight or somewhere else deprived that could do with the dough. Redistributive income...
Don,t think the catholic church have vicars,that amount of money a week would surely end up at the vatican & that would,nt be good ! its a well known fact they are all rags . regards SA blue
Kaka is not catholic!!
He's an Evangelical Christian

We should do a collection and donate to his church - when he signs...
Kaka! said:
Tell you what, some church in Manchester is going to hit the jackpot when 50k a week starts flowing into its coffers.

They're going to need one almighty collection plate!

I'll bet there will be quite a few applications to be vicar of that place. And a few new members of the congregation, too.

Let's hope it's a church in Longsight or somewhere else deprived that could do with the dough. Redistributive income...

Kaka! said:
Tell you what, some church in Manchester is going to hit the jackpot when 50k a week starts flowing into its coffers.

They're going to need one almighty collection plate!

I'll bet there will be quite a few applications to be vicar of that place. And a few new members of the congregation, too.

Let's hope it's a church in Longsight or somewhere else deprived that could do with the dough. Redistributive income...

Kaka! said:
Tell you what, some church in Manchester is going to hit the jackpot when 50k a week starts flowing into its coffers.

They're going to need one almighty collection plate!

I'll bet there will be quite a few applications to be vicar of that place. And a few new members of the congregation, too.

Let's hope it's a church in Longsight or somewhere else deprived that could do with the dough. Redistributive income...

Timbobs said:
johnmc said:
spacecadet said:
He's not a catholic

He must be - what is he then????

He's an Evangelical, which is Protestant, I'm surprised too, I seemed to think all Christians in South America were going to be Catholic by default.

Many Evangelical Churches have done a lot of conversions in Brazil in particular, funded from the US, he should have no problem find a place to worship in Manchester

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