Kate Moss and pressure on young girls

Blumers Bloomers said:
Kate Moss is also on the front cover of this months Vogue, and obviously looking nothing like the pap. picture from St Tropez.

This is something that REALLY winds me up..... young, impressionable girls are idolising an image that simply isnt even anywhere near reality.........yet they ll try to live up to this image.

I'm quite interested in what men think on this.............surely they're aware that the images they see in FHM/Nuts/GQ whatever are all airbrushed to the hills, and these "beauties" are nothing like in real life?
Yeah pretty aware of that. Its sad that wafer thin people are the norm. Take Beckham's ugly, pig-nosed misses for an example. Why would anyone want to be as skinny as that? The worst thing is that anytime a lady puts weight on, the papers jump on their back and harrang them for it. You can't win.
The rise of the "celeb mags" doesnt help either...............Heat, Closer, Reveal, Now - the only things that seem newsworthy to them is "shes put on 2lb" or "so and so's lost a stone"

So fooking what.

And dont get me started on Posh.......................ggggrrr
The 20's were all about being thin, and the 60's too. I wonder how the media affected young women in thoses decades.

I think we should all go back to emulate the 50's...

I totally see where NQT is coming from. There is a pressure from magazines for young girls to look like the models on the cover. The basic reason why comes down to £££.

I'm not sure about other guys on here, but I wouldn't want an 'airbrushed bimbo' I'd much rather have a woman who is 'real' looking. I'm sure most men would agree. But magazines perpetuate the myth so young girls but the products the magazines advertise.

All this without an iota of concern for the negative psychological impact this kind of marketing has on young girls.
NQT said:
The first image is a true picture of Kate Moss.
The second one is what has appeared on the front of a fashion magazine aimed at young ladies and has clearly been enhanced.
There should be legislation in place that calls for such enhanced images to be clearly marked as being enhanced/airbrushed/touched up and so prevent young, impressionable women being misled.

Next you'll be asking for small dicked porn stars and no special effects in films.
The pictures of Susan Boyle in some yank mag are proof, if any was needed, that ANYONE can look good with the right stylists, lighting, make up artists, hairdressers etc.

ANYONE with £££££££££ that is, obviously
In fairness, the fact that so many people seem to read the dozens and dozens of awful, dire celebrity gossip magazines that feature the likes of Kate Moss is more worrying than the problems that develop from that.

I cannot get my head around these publications and how they can be so popular.

The most worrying part is what it says about society and its growing obsession with celebrity and the nothingness that goes along with it.

Of course, the doctoring of pictures and false aspirations it promotes are definitely a bad thing, but once you subscribe, in the broadest sense, to everything that such publications promote, then you are probably fucked anyway.

On a separate note, Kate Moss is a walking anti smoking campaign. 30 odd and what used to be a nice face looking like my grandma.

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