Katona Kompletely Koo Koo??

Ronnie the Rep said:
This stupid, airhead, slapper woman is whats wrong with the media in the country. her and that useless waste of space Jordan. shoot the pair of them.

Re: Jordan. My missus was quite a fan, citing how much she'd achieved in her life(off her back, I'd say), but then ger whole view changed when she told me that the woman had been going under the knife a fair bit, lately, and told her husband to tell the papers she was a good woman, if she died!!

I mean, wtf kind of thing is that to say! It just underlined how much of a media whore she really is, and a surgery addict!

Stupid woman!
stonie said:
i would and at least with her mouth full she wouldent be able to say owt

No way!!

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