Keeper situation next season

Techno said:
I just dont think we have 'a few more seasons' to make that decision. I think at some point within the next 18 months City are either going to have to give Joe the number 1 jersey or he will want to go elsewhere!

You could be right but he signed a new 5 year contract a little over a year ago. I think things will be a lot clearer in the next couple of seasons. As I said, if we finish 4th this year I think he'll be back at Carrington fighting Shay for the jersey. We'll need 2 class keepers to cope with us going for the Treble ;)

I agree we're paying his wages he can sit on our bench vying for no. 1 spot. I think brum would be in bottom 6 if he was'nt there goalie this season
waspish said:
Techno said:
You could be right but he signed a new 5 year contract a little over a year ago. I think things will be a lot clearer in the next couple of seasons. As I said, if we finish 4th this year I think he'll be back at Carrington fighting Shay for the jersey. We'll need 2 class keepers to cope with us going for the Treble ;)

I agree we're paying his wages he can sit on our bench vying for no. 1 spot. I think brum would be in bottom 6 if he was'nt there goalie this season

I can't for one minute believe that we are payinmg his wages. I don't have as much confidence in Given as a lot of people, I do think he is one of, if not the best shot stopper in the game, However his commanding of his area, punching and corner taking is sloppy to say the least.
I think Hart will have another season with Brum and then come back to replace Given, who will probably move on to be number 1 elseware.
I would bring Joe Hart back as Shay Given knows no matter how good or bad he plays he has no competiton against him. Given has begun to faulter in some games recently by kicking wasted balls up field straight to the other team and he never comes out for crosses. I agree he is a good keeper but sooner or later he is going to have a really bad game and not get away with it.
I have never been a Given Fan and just recently his performances have got worse. Brum v Utd Hart makes a wonder save against Roon, City v Utd same player scores....

I am also not convinced by the stories in the press from the Management on Shay. He is being talked up, yet the new goalie coach never comes out with him at the start of 2nd half. Why is that? At United the goalie coach had him working on coming out for crosses and shay looked very uninterested. I get the feeling there is friction
OrigamiNinja said:
I saw highlights of the West Ham v Brum game last night and it got me thinking about our keeper situation, Hart played well and didnt stand a chance with either goal. What do we do next season if Joe Hart is Englands keeper in the World Cup and does well? It would be criminal to send out Englands No 1 on loan again but Englands No 1 is not going to come back to City to sit on the bench. Given is not going to sit on the bench either.

Personally I would bring back Joe as our No 1 and sell Given. I dont have anywhere near as much confidence in our current keeper as most on here. He doesnt command his area, has distribution is bad as any professional footballer I have ever seen and I dont think making the odd World Class save makes up for his quite apparent faults. I think Joe has shown this season that he is starting to fulfil his potential and although there may be aspects of Givens game which is better than Joes I think overall Joe is as good as if not better than Given. Joe also has probably the next 10-15 years at the top.

I am pretty sure - whether Capello won't have to face additional disgraces, after JT affaire and Cole's enjury - that Joe hart will be a reigning world champion next season.
Providing that, as I consider a fully mature Shay Given to be worthier and still more reliable - there is no other way than send him on loan for a further year. Perhaps it would be a great additional experience to send him at a top league abroad.
BibbyBlue85 said:
OrigamiNinja said:
I just cant see Hart being happy being an understudy at any club, he obviously has great faith in his own ability and would walk in as number 1 at most of the clubs in the Prem!

Thats very true mate but we won't sell him. A loan is possible but i just can't see us selling Given to be replaced by Hart. Given's experience will be vital if we are pushing on all fronts in the league and champs league

If we get into European comps then we will need a substantial quality squad incl two top goalies. You only need Given to get a knock and we are banjaxed. Can't see why we can't have two number ones!
Given has probably save us 12-15 points this season.

Hart probably lost us 12-15 points last season.

Form is temporary, class is permanent.

I honestly cant think what Shay has done wrong this season that has cost us points. It's this shit in front of him that have let him down.
I have never been convinced by Given. Yes, he is a great shot stopper but he doesn't come for crosses, doesn't command his area, punches when he could catch and his distribution is woefull. I don't remember Hart commanding his area either but I think (on current form) I would prefer Hart.

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