Kevin the c**t Muscat

Re: If NDJ is a bad boy of football what about this!

fbloke said:
sweep said:
...or bother to look before you post...

Oh shut up!
It's not like you to start threads on subjects already in discussion is it? I'm just trying to be helpful, you wouldn't want to be labelled a theadwho... oh...err... As you were.
Re: If NDJ is a bad boy of football what about this!

sweep said:
fbloke said:
Oh shut up!
It's not like you to start threads on subjects already in discussion is it? I'm just trying to be helpful, you wouldn't want to be labelled a theadwho... oh...err... As you were.

Put your request to be a mod on a PM to Ric then eh fella.

If he thinks you make the grade you can merge all you like.
Re: If NDJ is a bad boy of football what about this!

fbloke said:
sweep said:
It's not like you to start threads on subjects already in discussion is it? I'm just trying to be helpful, you wouldn't want to be labelled a theadwho... oh...err... As you were.

Put your request to be a mod on a PM to Ric then eh fella.

If he thinks you make the grade you can merge all you like.
Touchy eh, I didn't realise one had to be a mod to comment politely.
Re: If NDJ is a bad boy of football what about this!

sweep said:
fbloke said:
Put your request to be a mod on a PM to Ric then eh fella.

If he thinks you make the grade you can merge all you like.
Touchy eh, I didn't realise one had to be a mod to comment politely.

The rules on here have changed for me.

If you have something to add in terms of debate or opinion then bring it on.

If you want to snipe and have a dig and add absolutely nowt to the content like -

...or bother to look before you post...

Then don't expect pleasantries in return.

And if you think that -

...or bother to look before you post...

Is a 'polite comment' then therein lies the issue as I see it as a snide dig.
Re: If NDJ is a bad boy of football what about this!

fbloke said:
sweep said:
Touchy eh, I didn't realise one had to be a mod to comment politely.

The rules on here have changed for me.

If you have something to add in terms of debate or opinion then bring it on.

If you want to snipe and have a dig and add absolutely nowt to the content like -

...or bother to look before you post...

Then don't expect pleasantries in return.

And if you think that -

...or bother to look before you post...

Is a 'polite comment' then therein lies the issue as I see it as a snide dig.
There is nothing to add that hasn't already been said in 6 page thread lower down the page.

Anyway, I take it all back, your reputation as an attention seeking threadwhore is totally undeserved.

It's back to work for me now, carry on.
Re: If NDJ is a bad boy of football what about this!

sweep said:
fbloke said:
The rules on here have changed for me.

If you have something to add in terms of debate or opinion then bring it on.

If you want to snipe and have a dig and add absolutely nowt to the content like -

Then don't expect pleasantries in return.

And if you think that -

Is a 'polite comment' then therein lies the issue as I see it as a snide dig.
There is nothing to add that hasn't already been said in 6 page thread lower down the page.

Anyway, I take it all back, your reputation as an attention seeking threadwhore is totally undeserved.

It's back to work for me now, carry on.

Thanks for proving my point, and perhaps you need to look at yourself when it comes to attention seeking? You could, after all have just stayed away from the whole thread but decided you had something to say that we all needed to read that had no value whatsoever.
He s a thug of the highest order and I hope somebody seriously injures him so he knows what it's like. He injured Craig Bellamy a few years back.

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