Key reason why we performed so poorly

We lost because one team turned up for a sunday afternoon kickabout and went through the motions and the other, despite all the "its only a friendly" "the result doesn't mean anything" stuff were really pumped up for the game and wanted it.
But wouldn't you be worried if your team were pumped and trying really hard conceded two goals to side who were hardly trying?
I think we need to look at the overall picture, they were shitting themselves before the game, thinking they could lose again, and sorry shrek but in your own bosses words this result really did mean nothing!
PaulPowerShower said:
There just seems to be a massive gap between Yaya & Silva through to DeJong – United seemed to have acres and acres of space in that pocket

Was Nigel too deep? Yaya & Silva too far forward? or a combo?

Placing de Jong as the fulcrum to stuff out the attack IMO was indefensible.
de Jong was more a Human Pylon.
We need a fulcrum that will also initiate counterattacks. Nasri in tandem with Silva et al will do it.

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