Keys on talksport

I think they were confusing two separate debates.

On the one hand, there's the issue of using goal line technology. Whether that is preferable to employing extra officials. As far as that debate is concerned he was correct, the issue of the offside is irrelevant.

But they were also discussing England's performance, how well we are playing and how lucky we have been. The good luck we enjoyed from the officials failing to see that the ball had crossed the line simply cancelled out the bad luck in them missing the offside.
I was made up when they got the boot from sky,but then they take over the mid morning slot (which porky parry,daft as fuck I know,but still funny,and Townsend looked at other things in the world and life) and talk to their "mates" every fucking week.

Keys is a little arrogant twat,fucking breakfast tv presenter at best,knows fuck all about the game to be honest,and Gray is living on what he achieved as a player,which was next to fuck all really as well.

Its easy to say to people switch channels etc etc,but some stick with the radio they used to listening to,but Talkshite is going down the pan quick style these days,that twat Irani,Keys,Jacobs,Gough all fucking arseholes of the highest order,in other words,every show during the day is now spoiled by a twat spouting crap,which is generally to do with being jealous
I rarely listen to them but heard a few minutes the other day while making a small journey in my car, they'd evidently just had Ray Wilkins on and were going on about what a great and knowledgabe speaker he was, Keys topped it off by saying in his unique, sycophantic way "yep, proper bloke too". Whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean!
the goats backside said:
Did anyone hear this dick yesterday, i rarely listen i now know why, they were discussing the goal that wasnt a goal
Someone text in "Why dont you talk about the offside prior"
Keys answered "We are not discussing because the offside wasnt given"

Does this idiot actually get paid

The only thing more annoying than some of the shite they spout on talksport is that.........people actually take anything they say seriously, let themselves get wound up by it, and then make a thread about it!!

journolud said:
I rarely listen to them but heard a few minutes the other day while making a small journey in my car, they'd evidently just had Ray Wilkins on and were going on about what a great and knowledgabe speaker he was, Keys topped it off by saying in his unique, sycophantic way "yep, proper bloke too". Whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean!
I wonder if Keys considers himself to be 'the proper bloke'. I'd wager he does, he's completely besotted with himself.
he's a proper twunt! Biggest name dropper that ever lived.I dont understand how someone can become a "great,great friend of ours" when all he's done is interview them over the phone! Once! Cockends never even met the person! why does he try to speak like he's a toff? He isnt,wasn't and never will be,no matter how many people he claims to be friends with! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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