The input stream adaptives are already enabled in this mate as are unknown sources so no need to bother with those, install the mavrepo and install f4mtester out of that, go to system (I'm using confluence skin btw) change settings level to expert, then videos, across to adjust display refresh rate, change that to always. Go bk to main page then system, system down the bottom, then audio, go down to allow passthrough and enable it, just below that dolby digital may enable itself, disable that. Allowing passthrough will cause less stresses to your box. One more thing ha, go bk to the mavrepo, program addons, Maverick wizard, install that. If you get a pop up click ignore at the bottom right, that will now clear cache, packages and thumbnails on every start up of kodi. And that should see you right mate. Always power down your box at night as well, don't just leave it on standby, I just pull the ac out of the back