Kompany Is Overrated.

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KenTheLandlord said:
ono said:
I'm more annoyed that people keep talking about Pique like he is world class.

His game hasn't kicked on as much as people would have you believe. The difference is, he plays for a club side who completely dominate possession and he plays for an international side who play the same way. Barcelona and Spain are very rarely on the back foot, and he's rarely under any kind of pressure. He's certainly never under any sustained pressure.

On the odd time that they are, Pique's decision making is often fairly poor, as are his concentration levels. What he does have is very good technical ability, and this seems to lead to people over-rating him quite drastically.

Defensively he is good, but like most defenders, he is good within a certain system. Take him out of that system and holes will start to appear in his game.

Another player who pundits go over the top with is Vermaelen at Arsenal. The fact that he scores a lot of goals, glosses over the fact that positionally he is pretty poor. Again his concentration isn't the greatest. I think City made a point out of this for the 3 goals we scored in the 2nd half of the 4-2 win over Arsenal. Other good sides have also made a point of nailing Arsenal on the counter attack.

As for Kompany, City fans probably do over-rate him slightly, but he is only just starting to get recognition from pundits and the media. We've conceded 2 goals in 9 games. 1 being a penalty for a foul on a guy who was offside, and the other being a bit of a goalkeeping blunder. Kompany and Toure are working very well within our system, and part of that is due to us dominating possession in most games.

The good thing is, we know Kompany and Toure are solid even when teams throw the kitchen sink at us. I wouldn't be so sure about saying the same thing about Pique, or John Terry. Maybe Terry would have relished that sort of game 3 or 4 years ago, but not so much now.

On a side note, we shouldn't under-estimate Mancini's part in turning a defensive shambles, into one of the best defences in the league.

Interesting points, which other 23 year old, despite being technically very good and being world champion, plus 1 UEFA CL, 2 La Ligas, 1 Copa del Rey, 2 Supercopas de España, 1 UEFA Super Cup and 1 FIFA Club World Cup and 1 PL and a further 1 UEFA CL, with a club in another country, do you think is over rated?
That doesn't necessarily make him world class. It means the two teams he is playing in are. I was making a point, that as a player, he isn't quite world class.

I was making a point that defensive performances are just as much about systems as they are about individual ability. The alternative view is that Pique has gone from not really getting much of a look in at United, to becoming one of the best defenders in the world at Barca.

The fact is, the supposedly world class defenders in the game (Terry, Puyol, Pique, Vidic - i could go on, all play in teams who monopolise possession. It's only since we started to control football matches under Mancini, that Kompany and Toure have started to look much better together.

Never mind though, you just copied and pasted his honours from wikipedia.
LYNX said:
Tin Hat On.

I believe Kompany is overrated (More than De Jong tbh), He makes 1 great tackle and bluemooners are having a wankfest over him, is he a good defender? yes. But he still hasn't reached John Terry's or Pique's level. IMO of course.

The great thing about beliefs, as with yours, is that they don't have to be based on reality.
Everyone i know clocked him when he was asked to play centre-back v Hamburg (it was obvious to Micah after 30minutes that he would'nt be getting his old position back), he's got Captain Competent written all over him. Was he £6m....we really are taking the piss.
LYNX said:
Tin Hat On.

I believe Kompany is overrated (More than De Jong tbh), He makes 1 great tackle and bluemooners are having a wankfest over him, is he a good defender? yes. But he still hasn't reached John Terry's or Pique's level. IMO of course.

LYNX said:
Tin Hat On.

I believe Kompany is overrated (More than De Jong tbh), He makes 1 great tackle and bluemooners are having a wankfest over him, is he a good defender? yes. But he still hasn't reached John Terry's or Pique's level. IMO of course.
what you know about football, you could fit on the back of a 2nd class stamp.
with a permant felt tip marker.
LYNX said:
Tin Hat On.

I believe Kompany is overrated (More than De Jong tbh), He makes 1 great tackle and bluemooners are having a wankfest over him, is he a good defender? yes. But he still hasn't reached John Terry's or Pique's level. IMO of course.

I dont know much about defenders but i do know that we have conceded 2 goals all season and Hanson on MOTD and every man city bashing journo said he was good so gotta be something in it
LYNX after your posts on here the last few days you're either a rag or know sbsolutely nothing!

I will say, last year me and De Niro said at times he was a bit clumsy, gave away too many fouls and was sometimes caught out of position. He was very good last season but needed to improve to be first choice centre back for us and thankfully he has improved more than anyone could ever imagine. He has been absolutely magnificent this season and the way he performs against the big players is something we've been missing for a long time. Toure deserves a mention too as they have both been very solid and it is now a partnership that is blossoming under some excellent managing.
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