Kuyt to Inter

alera said:
This guy is soooooooo underated by Liverpool and most other fans. He scores plenty of goals gets loads of assists considering they play hime out of position in midifield most of the time. Hes another 110% type of player doesnt care where he players.

They will seriously miss him if its true. Rafas no mug.

For me Liverpool seem to be losing a fair number of key squad players, Riera, Benayoun, their best left back, Masc is on his way. Only quality they have bought in so far is Joe cole whos not been decent for years always injured.

I note Liverpool are getting no grief even though there squad is significantly weaker this season than last no doubt about it.

Totally agree,a succesfull team cannot be filled with fancy dans you need the 'water carriers' Liverpool will miss him if true and is only good news for us.
Prestwich_Blue said:
alera said:
This guy is soooooooo underated by Liverpool and most other fans. He scores plenty of goals gets loads of assists considering they play hime out of position in midifield most of the time. Hes another 110% type of player doesnt care where he players.
Agree. He also had a fantastic record as a striker at Feyernoord before he came to Liverpool.

So did a fair few in that league ;)
People look at his scoring record at Liverpool and say well that shit for a top forward at a decent side.

But they never never play him in his best position, hes always played on the wing or midifled and still does a very good job ! His attitude is first class hes always one of the first names on their team sheet. Even played out of position he gets a reasonable number of goals and assists.

Very very hard working, there is a strong train of thought that without the likes of Kuyt and Masc grafting in there Gerrard and Torres are not going to be as effect. They already went downhill big time last season when they lost Alonso in midfield.

Losing too many key players for me. Kuyt starts every game for them, Masc starts every game for them. Benyoun played loads of games, one of there best creative players. They dont have a decent left back at the moment. Reira did OK for them until he fell out with rafa, hes gone as well.

For me they look alot weaker than last season at the moment. Is Joe Cole going to do the work, get the goals and assists that Kuyt, Benayoun and Reira produce for Liverpool over the last season or so ? Is he fuck. Chelsea were very very happy to let Joe Cole go on a free and sign Benyoun for £6 million and they woon the league and FA cup last season.

So what does that tell you ?
Riera was crap for them. Joe Cole is better than Benayoun, Poulsen is s'posed to be good and they've got that jovanovic chap. Hopefully they will lose Mascherano soon
A great TEAM player and certainly one who'll be missed by Liverpool IMO if this is true. But Talkshite ain't the most reliable of sources so I'll reserve judgement till later.

Now if Liverpool could just offload Mascherano and then take Cruz and Bridge of us I think we'd certainly be seen as clear winners in this situation lol.......
lancs blue said:
He is a grafter and does a decent job but if I was an Inter fan I still think I'd be a bit pissed off with this news.
This, TBH his play is a bit like Bellamy's but Bellamy has a tiny bit more skill, as well as the ability to change a game on his own. I would however be livid if we sold Balotelli and got £24million and replaced him with Kuyt. However they have also bought Sculli for £25million who is also a striker. So, Kuyt, Sculli, Eto'o, Milito... Good options
solid workhorse, gives 100% every single time, a vital cog they can't afford to do without. Hodgson will regret this.

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