l/pool v arsenal

Like someone's already said. I want the scousers humbled and reminded how shit they are so they come to us with no confidence. If they lose their first two the pressure on them and RH will be considerable.
C'mon Arsenal
Having spoken to a lot of Liverpool supporters recently they have to be the most deluded annoying supporters on the planet. The arrival of Joe Cole has transformed them from mid table to top of the league, apparently. I want Arsenal to fucking batter them.
arsenal to smash liverpool to pieces with RVP and Fabregas to get a few each - as I have them in my fantasy football team.
Bazzmand Show said:
Having spoken to a lot of Liverpool supporters recently they have to be the most deluded annoying supporters on the planet. The arrival of Joe Cole has transformed them from mid table to top of the league, apparently. I want Arsenal to fucking batter them.
Tell me about it. The like of Micky Quinn on Talkshite thing the same. A bit part "impact" player is going to take them from 7th to 1st??

The more I think about this the more I think come on ARSENAL!
Bazzmand Show said:
Having spoken to a lot of Liverpool supporters recently they have to be the most deluded annoying supporters on the planet. The arrival of Joe Cole has transformed them from mid table to top of the league, apparently. I want Arsenal to fucking batter them.

lol! just like my deluded dipper mates all of them saying they will finish 3rd this season and will beat city EASY next week
C'mon Gooners.
5-0 to the Arse, 8 sent off for Liverpool and transfer demands from Torres, Gerrard, Cole and Reina.

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