La Liga head Tebas - latest anti City outburst P37

Maybe he’s feeling something in the water regarding Messi,

he only attacks us when something has brought us to his attention again and he cries and has a fit like the little, shameless baby, he is
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High time this corrupt, racist fool was taken to the courts.

I can't believe our owner and club are prepared to keep listening and reading this without taking action once and for all.
Are we ever going to do anything about his constant rants about us?
I don’t think we need to do anything about him.
He occupies an alternative, fact free world, and every time he opens his mouth he looks,and sounds, like football’s own Rudy giulliani, making himself more and more sad and ridiculous with his irrational rantings, until he,like Rudy, just becomes a figure of fun and laughter.
The biggest team in France and the most succesful team in England for the last decade , shock/horror they are the most successfully sponsored clubs in their respective countries , i think we have had enough of this little fat c*nt , their has got to be a decent sniper in the UAE presidential guard who could put Tebas out of his misery.
You don't need a sniper to hit this twat, fuck I could do it from 100 yards with my eyes closed. However, you might want armour(blubber) piercing ammunition !

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