Last Film You Saw

Black Adam - 4/10

I get that superhero movies are supposed to be an easy watch but I really don't understand the point of this one. Not many likeable characters, rubbish storyline, crap CGI, complete mess of a film. Enough going on to not be completely bored but one I could have avoided.
Black Adam - 5/10

I get that superhero movies are supposed to be an easy watch but I really don't understand the point of this one. Not many likeable characters, rubbish storyline, crap CGI, complete mess of a film. Enough going on to not be completely bored but one I could have avoided.
All Quite On The Western Front

Nice cinematatics that sucked the viewer deep into the mire of trench warfare with beyond gritty realism. Nice sound effects too but unsure what Eddie Burger was tring to acheive with some of those clanger noises and alt pan-lid sounds that went on and on and on. Maybe he was trying to reach out to the luvies for an oscar or three.

And for me that's were all the goodness ends, as I was absolutely bored shitless throughout it's two and a half hour tenure.

The storyline surrounds a bunch of patriotic teen typos join up to aidthe germanic war effort.
They get shipped off to the front line trenches and then they all have a nice brew. Then they see a few french birds and wolf whistle at them. Then a few of them pinch a goose and are shot at. Then we have to watch for an inordinate lengh of time for them both to pluck it, cook it and eat it.

Inbetween all the mind numbing goings on, an armistice is being negotiated in the forest of Compegne werree the allied command gives a non negotiable 72 hours for the hun to surrender.

In the meantine the Germans go back on the offensive with another over the top episode, were we engage in some hand to hand combat @a bomb crater near you. Then the allies counterattack, which see's our indelible chums on the run from tanks, flamethrowers and artilliary. Miene gott!

The ceasfire is signed and is due to take effect from the 11th hour of the 11th day etc etc, so our intrepid duo nip out to pinch another goose but this time it all goes wrong with Kat being shot and before you know it the war really is over and thankfully so is the film.

Except it's not actually quite over, as some mad germanic general decides to have another over the top episode were Paul (our main protagainist) meets his maker. And then the film is over again. I would sooner amputate my testicles with a blunt fish knife than have to go through all that tripe again.

Score is a generous 6/10 and aside from the visuals displaying the brutality of war and the wanton sensless killing that shows mans inhumanity to man.. it was all just a trench too far.

I dunno ..maybe the book was better, but if they had bothered to pop a story line in this overly drawn out film noir then it might have had legs. No attachment to the characters whatsover but if you watch and it rocks your world then fair enough as most of the reviews appear be top notch. As an anti war movie it had it's moments, but as a film designed to entertain and enthral then it's was meh.
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Alarm bells should ring when a film has multiple names, as has Hunted/Hounded. Some rural burglars make money fencing gear from country homes. They decide to pull off one last score at some toffs remote stately home. The laughably caricatured aristos taser the gang, take them to a remote location and release them.

Of course the toffs are foxhunters and proceed to hunt them with their hounds.

There might have been a vague suggestion of social commentary of people with nothing stealing from the rich, but all the characters are so woefully underdeveloped that it's just a mess. Think there are better ways of spending 90 minutes, peeps!
Michael Caine as Harry Palmer "Funeral In Berlin". Like the Ipcress File a superb 1960's gritty Cold War spy film.
I liked MC as a spy.
That matter of fact "I don't give a shit, I'm bored" nonchalance, paired with his ordinariness and ability to fade into a civil service pen pushing dweeb, he did very well.
All Quite On The Western Front

Nice cinematatics that sucked the viewer deep into the mire of trench warfare with beyond gritty realism. Nice sound effects too but unsure what Eddie Burger was tring to acheive with some of those clanger noises and alt pan-lid sounds that went on and on and on. Maybe he was trying to reach out to the luvies for an oscar or three.

And for me that's were all the goodness ends, as I was absolutely bored shitless throughout it's two and a half hour tenure.

The storyline surrounds a bunch of patriotic teen typos join that up to aid
the germanic war effort.

They get shipped off to the front line trenches and then they all have a nice brew. Then they see a few french birds and wolf whistle at them. Then a few of them pinch a goose and are shot at. Then we have to watch for an inordinate lengh of time for them both to pluck it, cook it and eat it.

Inbetween all the mind numbing goings on, an armistice is being negotiated in the forest of Compegne werree the allied command gives a non negotiable 72 hours for the hun to surrender.

In the meantine the Germans go back on the offensive with another over the top episode, were we engage in some hand to hand combat @a bomb crater near you. Then the allies counterattack, which see's our indelible chums on the run from tanks, flamethrowers and artilliary. Miene gott!

The ceasfire is signed and is due to take effect from the 11th hour of the 11th day etc etc, so our intrepid duo nip out to pinch another goose but this time it all goes wrong with Kat being shot and before you know it the war really is over and thankfully so is the film.

Except it's not actually quite over, as some mad germanic general decides to have another over the top episode were Paul (our main protagainist) meets his maker. And then the film is over again. I would sooner amputate my testicles with a blunt fish knife than have to go through all that tripe again.

Score is a generous 6/10 and aside from the visuals displaying the brutality of war and the wanton sensless killing that shows mans inhumanity to man.. it was all just a trench too far.

I dunno ..maybe the book was better, but if they had bothered to pop a story line in this overly drawn out film noir then it might have had legs. No attachment to the characters whatsover but if you watch and it rocks your world then fair enough as most of the reviews appear be top notch. As an anti war movie it had it's moments, but as a film designed to entertain and enthral then it's was meh.
Haha !
Now uncle Bob, I agree with a lot of your posts but this I must disagree with.
The film tells the story of Paul Bäumer, a young soldier who lies about his age to enlist during the final years of World War I.
During his time fighting, Paul’s fall from a naive patriot to a jaded veteran in the face of a horrific war is as relevant today as it was when the book was first published in 1929.
I thought it underscored the absolute futility of war in it's entirety, an aim the original book was designed to do
.... a stringently anti-war film that examines the conflict between the ideals of war and its reality.
The original story and Berger's remake approach this divide by heightening it, contrasting just how far the gap is between the commanders and diplomats and the infantry soldiers during WWI. I saw it as an immersion in the experiences of the ordinary soldiers from 1917 onward.
Overall, there is a sense of disorientation as the movie jumps between the compressed period leading to the signing of the armistice, sometimes there is months between them. This explores how the soldiers in the trenches perceive time differently due to the extreme danger they face intermixed with incredible tedium. Even more so, clocks and time become critical recurring motifs in the third part of the movie as the infantrymen count down the moments they have to survive until the war was over.
IMO without the scene's you portray as boring this film would just be another war film full of explosions and gunshots.

The film is so beautifully shot and the soundtrack is atmospheric, creepy, excellent imo. Gone are the days of full orchestral silliness in these films.
It's a 10 from me.
Haha !
Now uncle Bob, I agree with a lot of your posts but this I must disagree with.
The film tells the story of Paul Bäumer, a young soldier who lies about his age to enlist during the final years of World War I.
During his time fighting, Paul’s fall from a naive patriot to a jaded veteran in the face of a horrific war is as relevant today as it was when the book was first published in 1929.
I thought it underscored the absolute futility of war in it's entirety, an aim the original book was designed to do
.... a stringently anti-war film that examines the conflict between the ideals of war and its reality.
The original story and Berger's remake approach this divide by heightening it, contrasting just how far the gap is between the commanders and diplomats and the infantry soldiers during WWI. I saw it as an immersion in the experiences of the ordinary soldiers from 1917 onward.
Overall, there is a sense of disorientation as the movie jumps between the compressed period leading to the signing of the armistice, sometimes there is months between them. This explores how the soldiers in the trenches perceive time differently due to the extreme danger they face intermixed with incredible tedium. Even more so, clocks and time become critical recurring motifs in the third part of the movie as the infantrymen count down the moments they have to survive until the war was over.
IMO without the scene's you portray as boring this film would just be another war film full of explosions and gunshots.

The film is so beautifully shot and the soundtrack is atmospheric, creepy, excellent imo. Gone are the days of full orchestral silliness in these films.
It's a 10 from me.
Agree with the cinematics, the atmospheric soundtracks and the fact that it's marked down as an anti war film.What Burger did not do well IMO was to convey this through a good story line/dialogue keeping the viewer interested and rooting for Paul, Kat and co to make it back safely from no mans land.

It was hiddiously drawn out in places and could easily have been compressed down to 90 minutes. The scenes I portrayed as "boring" among many were the goose pinching episodes, two of them ffs and the incessant chuddering of non relevant dialogue interspersed with periods of wanton nothingness, albeit accompanied by a wonderfully haunting soundtrack and a bucket or two of dry ice

I gave it a generous 6/10 as the film afforded me little chance to connect with the group, and as each of them met their Waterloo, not one single fook was given. I wasn't emotionally attached and that for me was the films failing.

Das Boot however, also filmed from a book of the same, grabbed me by the seat of my pants, throwing me into the hellstrom of those north atlantic convoys were I found myself routing for the boys of U96 whilst out on patrol under the fatherly guidance of der alte.(nice capitan)

I could say the same with other great war films such as Waterloo, Saving Private Ryan, A bridge too far, etc. Even coppelos Apocalpse Now which was filled to the brim with errinous bouts of film noire and hallucinatory visuals, but still managed to captivate my senses to the very end. (incedently one of the best war films I have ever seen) The mix of a strong story whilest touching of the tragedy of war helps to draw in the audience and once you are drawn in then you can not look away.

Sadly with All Quite On The Western Front I looked away rather too frequently in the forlorn hope that the film would sprout some legs. It didnt, but it still had it's moments hence my generous score. Again all subjective and each to their own.
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