The Mummy - sack of putrid shite that didn't need remaking so soon
She really is a sweetie. 007 done very well for himself there.Nothing tops the Rachel Weisz version, purely on the basis Rachel Weisz is in it looking horny as fuck
Thanks. I was having trouble working it out.Rank!
Cardboard Gansters - Super realistic Irish Gangster Film. Good film if somewhat a bit predictable, also can't help get the feeling seen it all before somewhere, but if you liked Love Hate this will be right up your street. Top acting, has a great soundtrack too featuring Dublin rap music. A Dublin boys in the hood sumed it up well.
John Wick 2 - 7/'ve been drinking. Utter gash. Should have left it alone. You're bang on about The Mummy though.The Mummy - 3/10
Wonder Woman - 7/10
John Wick 2 - 7/10