Learn to deal with bullies!


Well-Known Member
6 Feb 2009
I think we if we have to learn one thing from yesterday match, that must be how to deal with bullies.
And the way I see it, when someone give you hard time, you have to push back, with more force and be more aggressive, if you get hit, you have to hit back, with strength and determination and even if you lose that fight you will be respected and in the future other people will think twice to pick on you cause you are known to fight back.

We have to learn that before the rest of the teams wake up and discover that, with few exceptions, our players can be easily intimidated when things get tough, OR a lot of teams will walk all over us.

We lost our confidence in one on one duels first, then the team spirit went down all the way.
There were some players very scared on the pitch yesterday, with no fighting spirit in them at all. Rich pussies, with no hunger and will to fight. No point in naming names, everybody who got the chance to see the match got the idea who's who.

Everton's players were psychologically and tactically prepared in advance. They had clear targets assigned each one of them and told to go and hit, crush, humiliate their individual target, the plan was well executed and the result was plain for everybody to see. It was clear for me from the first challenge from that woman called Cahill how the things gonna be.

I think the team need some lessons on how to toughen up. Have some Bellamy style talks with the most 'fragile' ones, hire some ex army guys and train with them few times a week, start pushing some weights, get some basic fighting training and have some psychologist give advice on how to break other players spirit, cause this is what is need it to win these days.

That will do it, if some of those players can be bothered to try to raise above their comfort level of rich MOFO they are.
We needed to pass the ball around them and tire them out but we don't seem able to keep the ball for anything more than about 3 passes.
When I play against big, physical sides at my level of football the coaches always tell us to get the ball down and pass it around them and avoid playing the ball in the air.

City did neither of those 2 things yesterday and thats where we lost the game.
bluemoon32 said:
We needed to pass the ball around them and tire them out but we don't seem able to keep the ball for anything more than about 3 passes.

Nah to win any football match you must match the opposition teams work rate and physicality once you win them battles you win a football match - we could not put three passes together yesterday because Evertons workrate was such that they closed us down so our passing options were limited to passing back to shay and Cahill put himself about a fair bit and killed our centre backs
The ability to pass the ball quickly and accurately is the key
Big strong aggressive footballers can run around and huff and puff all they like but they won't catch up with a fast well passed ball
In the opening 20 mins we actually did this and created a goalscoring chance for Robhino which he unfortunately missed
That goes in..Different game.
Pass and move will beat huff and puff everytime.
dctid said:
bluemoon32 said:
We needed to pass the ball around them and tire them out but we don't seem able to keep the ball for anything more than about 3 passes.

Nah to win any football match you must match the opposition teams work rate and physicality once you win them battles you win a football match - we could not put three passes together yesterday because Evertons workrate was such that they closed us down so our passing options were limited to passing back to shay and Cahill put himself about a fair bit and killed our centre backs

Nah, Arsenal just move the ball around and tire them out.
What I found odd is that everyone on here knew exactly how Everton would play against us-"if it moves,kick it,chase everything"- the way they always do.11 Paul Dickovs.
It actually reminded me of what we did to the rags in the last derby at Maine rd-chased them down and made them make basic mistakes.

The players seemed almost surprised by the intensity of the match,and never got to grips with it for the whole 90 minutes.
bluemoon32 said:
We needed to pass the ball around them and tire them out but we don't seem able to keep the ball for anything more than about 3 passes.

This is the problem. We can't keep the ball ! Nothing to do will bullies and that utter crap. We do need to be more physical, but to suggest we were bullied yesterday is to suggest Everton did something wrong, which they didn't. We need more physicality and be able to keep and use the ball better.

Barry was very poor yesterday.
RobbieBrewer said:
11 Paul Dickovs.

Fuck off. Jesus christ are we such a bunch of one eyed supporters that we cannot see that Everton played some cracking football yesterday and their midfield played us off the park. Nothing to do with 11 Paul Dickov's. Makes me so angry when twats cannot see a game for what it was.

Everton played with physicality, intensity, quality and desire.

Credit where credit is due people, we were awful, they were great and took advantage.
We were actually intimidated by Evetons play, though that was because of the style and manner of our passing. I counted at least 5 times Garrido passed inside to Kompany, Vincent shifted it to Micah who took an age (sorry to be always ahving a pop lad but thats the way i viewed it) to construct his golf shot pass to Zab who was already being closed down because of the slowness and deliberateness of the passing. Because they closed down like a well structed steaming mob the moment Zab collected the ball the defence was (all four) basically facing thier own goal with it right on em. Petrov also did'nt helpplay, he took up the Robinho trick of somehow seeing fit to simply stop and stand in the middle of the park for no functional reason (stop with the ball at his feet).....apparently totally unaware that what he was actually doing was loosing his own team momentum.....after not noticing the first time he made triple sure by repeating the move (lack of) a further three times. Robinho is simply too easy to get the ball from and for a player touted to be our greatest in the ball control department i must say he'd have to bob on to trump Garrido for this title cause it's a different game showing an high level of ball control when folk are at you. I can't think of the last time i seen a city player switch play with a pass over one of his own players and thats certainly one method to rid yourself of pressure and ensure your opponents are using up non productive yardage.

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