Learning a new language.

Short of actually living there,cd's such as Linguaphone are a good way of picking up a working vocabulary and grasp of the basic phrases.
Not sure exams are that useful though - I did both O & A level French,yet was still pretty lost when I went to live there for 3 years.
Did basic Greek at night classes and that was also a good way to learn.
Living there is gonna be the best option obviously. But failing that why not try those audio books on your mp3 whilst cycling. Our kid is doing this and seems to be going pretty well.

My interview for my first job in France consisted of a phone call with three questions. One of 'em being, "Do you speak French?" Knowing about 3 words i said yes. Next day i'm on me way to France armed with a berlitz phrase book. I carried it everywhere and consulted it constantly and after a couple of months i was pretty good. I also do this when i go to other countries and it helps a lot. The people you are talking to will always try and help if you're making the effort.

My main advice would be to not get too bogged down in the correct grammar/masculine/feminine etc etc.
Another good tip is if you're struggling for a word, think of the English one and try it with the correct pronunciation ('pronunciation' being a good example (and 'example' too!!))

Spanish is pretty easy too.
Muzzy.I know it is a childs program and very childish as a result but it really helped me (16) and my granddad (67) learn Spanish. They do them in loads of different languages so I am sure they will do french.
hey mate, i've learn't italian practically by myself. What i would suggest is try to find some french friends and start to talk to them either in person on the internet. Secondly, nip down to borders, there are a lot of great books you can buy. Thirdly, look at French newspapers on the internet, there are other great resources on the internet. Take you're time, don't rush, learning a language is very difficult and you want to make sure you understand the basics first. Finally, there are cheap, but very good courses available at colleges, which will be for a couple of hours a week which you should consider.

Help that helps, have fun learning it, its a great hobby
Check local contact magazines, there are loads of birds in there offering French!

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