Left-wing anarchist guilty of terror offences

The last published figures there are over 43000 people on the anti terror watch list according to MI5, of which 90% are Islamic.

Look at the list of proscribed organisation on the following link and see how many are Islamic.


So even if we accepted your incredibly dubious statistics as the truth, you’ve managed to find 38,000 people in a country of 65,000,000.

So even with this gross overestimate we’ve got…0.05% of people who might be connected to Islamic extremism.

I’m not great at maths but is 0.05% a large number? If someone said the conservative party are polling at 0.05% would you think “ah that’s a huge number of people!”
Maybe they want to be part of an anarcho-syndicalist commune?

The wriiting of Pyotr Kopotkin and his ideas or anarcho-communist cashless syndicated co-operative society with no religion is actually a very appealing concept for the future of humanity.

unfortunately ere are still too unevolved as a species for that
So even if we accepted your incredibly dubious statistics as the truth, you’ve managed to find 38,000 people in a country of 65,000,000.

So even with this gross overestimate we’ve got…0.05% of people who might be connected to Islamic extremism.

I’m not great at maths but is 0.05% a large number? If someone said the conservative party are polling at 0.05% would you think “ah that’s a huge number of people!”
To be fair, I think it's quite a concerning number of people to be on a terrorist watch list.

Having said that, the report I've seen says that of those 43,000, only 3,000 were actually considered 'subjects of interest' that would warrant having actual resources allocated to them. I'm not sure what the requirements are for getting on the wider list, so it's quite hard to say how concerning it is.

The irony of course is that Islamists are basically just a different flavour of fascism. Islamists are basically the far right of the Muslim world. The only reason they're not considered far right in the west is because they're part of a minority and aren't in power.
To be fair, I think it's quite a concerning number of people to be on a terrorist watch list.

Having said that, the report I've seen says that of those 43,000, only 3,000 were actually considered 'subjects of interest' that would warrant having actual resources allocated to them. I'm not sure what the requirements are for getting on the wider list, so it's quite hard to say how concerning it is.

The irony of course is that Islamists are basically just a different flavour of fascism. Islamists are basically the far right of the Muslim world. The only reason they're not considered far right in the west is because they're part of a minority and aren't in power.

That is exactly my thought on it mate, the far right section of Islam. Slightly worrying that someone would think that 38,000 far right Islamists aren't that much to worry about.
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That is exactly my thought on it mate, the far right section of Islam. Slightly worrying that someone would think that 35,000 far right Islamists aren't that much to worry about.
Well yeah, but I don't know what it really means. It could be that they have their 3000 people of interest, and the rest is basically anyone else in their social circle that they might keep a record of. Or perhaps it really is 43,000 individual people with those sorts of views.
Well yeah, but I don't know what it really means. It could be that they have their 3000 people of interest, and the rest is basically anyone else in their social circle that they might keep a record of. Or perhaps it really is 43,000 individual people with those sorts of views.

For all we know it could be less or more depending on how adept/inept the authorities are. However downplaying the numbers is a bit on the strange side IMHO.

It's almost as if people are making their own facts up to fit their own narrative, but these numbers shouldn't be poo pooed because someone wants/needs to prove a point. We can all agree that far right is bad, that's all far right.
So even if we accepted your incredibly dubious statistics as the truth, you’ve managed to find 38,000 people in a country of 65,000,000.

So even with this gross overestimate we’ve got…0.05% of people who might be connected to Islamic extremism.

I’m not great at maths but is 0.05% a large number? If someone said the conservative party are polling at 0.05% would you think “ah that’s a huge number of people!”

It’s not even that, the majority of that number aren’t in the U.K. or have ever even been to the U.K. The number went up by 20000 between 2017 and 2020 due to foreign services passing information about more overseas people who had never been to the U.K. to MI5.
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Not sure if you're being disingenuous or a bit dim.

Definitions of "left wing extremism" aren't really the issue here, I've done the like for like search for you.

Yeah, I didn't include the word jailed in my search, so it wasn't like for like. Thanks for pointing it out. It's been a long day for me.

Nevertheless, in this case, my point was that a Google search didn't show anything for the left wing when there is clearly some extremism on both sides. For example, in the USA we had BLM protests turning into riots for months with deaths, record property losses, etc. On the other hand, recently we had the riots in Ireland. Someone brought up a stat that 88% of extremist murders are white-supremacist, but that 88% is just 15 murders. 15 too many, mind you, but out of thousands, tens of thousands of homicides, that's, relatively speaking, not a big issue for a few hundred million people in the USA. Therefore, I don't understand the focus on it. There are racists of all races, and slavery is (sadly, still in some places) one of the oldest institutions in the world and was prevalent for thousands of years on all continents as well. My point is that there are extremists, supremacists, or whatever we call them everywhere, left-wing, right-wing, or probably middle-wing, and it doesn't necessarily get counted. For example, to counter the white supremacist example, we had The Christmas parade massacre that was not considered extremist enough for the statistics despite 6 fatalities and 62 injuries.
How do they even count some murders as not extremist, to begin with? For me, every murder is extremist. There is no justification for murder, and no reason is "good enough." A lot of it is affected by the worldview people have based on their politics, but the extent of it is often virtually impossible to determine, so it often gets politicized by both parties.
I don't support either Democrats or Republicans, and that's one of the reasons. Both are too far from the middle for me and too focused on attacking one another instead of doing their jobs.

Anyway, I don't believe in personal attacks, so I don't like inconsistencies in the political subforum where sometimes some pretend one group is to blame (a bit like with our new players this season because apparently, it's all their fault), and the others are saints. For example, I also think Trump is mad, but we are into 4th year of Biden's presidency, the country has a lot of problems, and he doesn't even have a thread on this forum.

That's part of the reason why I rarely engage in the politics sub-forum. I don't think a lot of discussions are constructive, productive, or in good faith. That's just anecdotal, not in response to you, of course.
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