leicester to adopt the poznan!!

Re: Looks Like Leicester Want To Do The Poznan..

Hang on a minute.... is someone seriously telling me we stole The Poznan?
Re: Looks Like Leicester Want To Do The Poznan..

Bugs Bunny said:
Hang on a minute.... is someone seriously telling me we stole The Poznan?

I know, they're all so thick.

It was invented by a a city fan's (Paul/Poz) grandma. Every real city fan knows the history of our club and our infamous, unique celebration.
Re: Looks Like Leicester Want To Do The Poznan..

Stealing the poznan! You cannot be serious! I'd tell them to go swivel....
Re: Looks Like Leicester Want To Do The Poznan..

Ridiculous that some are having a go at their fans for wanting to copy it. Everyone who was at there knows we nicked it in the first place. Very disappointed with this forum at times. Even if you weren't at that game you should know that. Really, do some of you not bother turning up if it's not a league match? Sounds like it anyway. Evidently some clubs are right to chant where were you when you were shit to some of the fickle fans here.

Could any fans from other clubs reading this and want to do it themselves just go ahead and do it. Listening to certain people on this site is pointless. Arrogance is taking over because of the money. Reality is escaping some blues at the moment. Kindness to other fans wouldn't go amiss I don't think. Egregious nobheads on here criticizing them on here can go swivel.
Re: Looks Like Leicester Want To Do The Poznan..

de niro said:
r.soleofsalford said:
i cant stand these supporter who cant make up their own celebrations wankers

how can you say that, we copied it from poznan.

I now realise the true meaning of a Clarkie. A special moment is this.
Re: Looks Like Leicester Want To Do The Poznan..

bluemoonmcfc said:
de niro said:
how can you say that, we copied it from poznan.

I now realise the true meaning of a Clarkie. A special moment is this.

Unless it was a double Clarkie? In which case I am wounded.

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