Lennon put in his place!




My stepdaughter , a dance student in Leeds , rang me yesterday ..... her and a mate had spent a night out in Leeds over the weekend and who was buying em' drinks all night?

Only Aaron Lennon ........ and she didn't have a clue who he even was at the time!

Anyway come the end of the night he asks the stepdaughter out , telling her that he's a 'top' footballer with Spurs and England ..... she tells him thanks for the drinks , but no chance .... adding that if he'd played for Man City the answer would have been different!

Apparently Lennon just stood there sighing with a blank look on his face !

she should hae said "sorry im just waiting for my boyfriend craig bellamy, would you like to meet him?. hes just getting his golf clubs out of the car"
A mate's sister and her friend were out clubbing in Manchester a few years ago and Giggsy and Lee Sharp made a move for them on the dance floor.
My mate's sister turned her back on Sharp, so he ran round the front of her and said "Don't you know who I am?" and she replied "Fuck off you nobhead"
Apparently the look on his old boat race was a sight to behold
Did she send him back to the Shire?

I sent my flatmate over to Rio Ferdinand in Leeds a few years back, I told her he was my mate from University. Even though she was a very attractive girl he was having none of it, I told her who he was later and she didn't believe me but now she's seen him on telly she does.

Also in the same club I was waiting to use the cig machine, this small guy with a hoodie on was using it buying about 400 cigs. I was getting annoyed, then he turnes around and went 'sorry lah' , it was none other than Mr Robbie Fowler himself, no wonder he was fooked all the time!!
supercity36 said:
she should hae said "sorry im just waiting for my boyfriend craig bellamy, would you like to meet him?. hes just getting his golf clubs out of the car"

kiam06 said:
Did she send him back to the Shire?

I sent my flatmate over to Rio Ferdinand in Leeds a few years back, I told her he was my mate from University. Even though she was a very attractive girl he was having none of it, I told her who he was later and she didn't believe me but now she's seen him on telly she does.

Also in the same club I was waiting to use the cig machine, this small guy with a hoodie on was using it buying about 400 cigs. I was getting annoyed, then he turnes around and went 'sorry lah' , it was none other than Mr Robbie Fowler himself, no wonder he was fooked all the time!!


Not suprised at Fowler ...... he always looks as though he'd either been overdoin' the drinking or sniffing!

Next time she rings i'll ask her which pub/club she was in ....... she said that Lennon was really persistent and was mytherin' her all night ....... i didn't even know he was from Leeds , but wikipedia site says he is , so presumably he's got family there.

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