Leroy Sané

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@Ric @tolmie's hairdoo Have you heard anything about Sanes younger brother Sidi? He's just 13 years old and also plays for Schalke. If Sanes family moves to England they won't leave the kid alone in Germany. Is he also coming?
How many words rhyme with Sane ??!!!!!!

I was sat here pondering this, then realised it was completely fucking futile.

Yes; I Googled the following: *DISCLAIMER* I do not recommend quoting the entire post!

Words and phrases that rhyme with sane: (681 results)
1 syllable:
-caine, aine, ane, ayn, baigne, bain, baine, bane, bayne, blain, blaine,blane, blayne, brain, brane, cain, caine, cane, cayne, chain, chaine,cheyne, crain, craine, crane, crayne, dain, daine, dane, dayne, deign,drain, draine, drane, duan, duane, dwain, dwayne, fain, faine, fane,fayne, feign, fein, feyne, flaine, frain, fraine, frane, frayn, frayne, frein,freyne, fs reign, gain, grain, graine, grane, grein, hahne, hain, haine,hane, hayn, hayne, heyn, heyne, jain, jane, jayne, kain, kaine, kane,kayne, krain, krane, krein, lain, laine, lane, layne, ln, main, maine,mane, mayne, meyn, murrain, neyne, paign, pain, paine, pane, payne,pearmain, phane, plain, plane, quain, rain, raine, rayne, reign, rein,reine, sain, saine, shain, shaine, shane, shayne, skain, skane, skein,slain, slaine, slane, spain, spane, splain, splaine, sprain, stain, stane,strain, swain, swaine, swayne, taine, tearstain, teyne, thain, thaine,thane, thayne, train, trane, twain, vain, vane, vein, veyne, vrain, wain,wane, wayne, zane

2 syllables:
abstain, again, ahlen, airplane, air lane, alain, alaine, alane, alayne,allain, alleyne, almain, arcane, arraign, artane, attain, aven, azane,bahrain, beauchaine, beauchene, beltane, bimane, biplane, birdbrain,biscayne, block plane, bloodstain, boat train, brain drain,branched chain, brattain, brisbane, buntain, butane, calf's brain,campagne, campaign, car train, casgrain, catain, champagne,champaign, champlain, charlayne, charmain, charmaine, chastain,chest pain, chicane, chlordane, choroid vein, chow mein, clephane,closed chain, cobain, cobaine, cocaine, coltrain, complain, constrain,contain, costain, courchaine, cubane, culhane, dahrain, decane, decrane,defrain, delaine, demain, deplane, deraign, derain, deschaine, despain,destain, detain, detrain, devane, dewayne, disdain, dogbane, domain,domaine, douane, draw rein, duchaine, dufrane, dumaine, dumb cane,dunblane, duquesne, dushane, duwayne, elaine, elane, elayne,emplane, enchain, endecane, engrain, entrain, espagne, ethane,explain, eyestrain, fast lane, feed grain, fishbaine, fleabane, floodplain,fontaine, food chain, food grain, forebrain, fore plane, fort wayne,fossane, fountaine, free rein, freight train, fusain, galane, gas main,germain, germaine, germane, great dane, haldane, helane, henbane,heptane, horse grain, hossain, hossein, humane, hussain, hussein, iain,igraine, inane, insane, in twain, in vain, jack plane, jermaine, jet plane,jyishane, kahane, lamebrain, laraine, left brain, lehane, lennane,leucomaine, leucophane, lindane, long plane, lorain, loraine, lorraine,machain, maclaine, maclean, madbrain, magrane, mail train, maintain,match plane, mcbain, mcbane, mccain, mccane, mcclain, mcclaine,mcclane, mcgrain, mcgrane, mcguane, mckain, mckane, mclain, mclane,mclean, mcquain, mcshane, mcswain, mcwain, membrane, methane,migraine, montaigne, montane, morain, moraine, morane, mud stain,mundane, mustain, nondecane, o'kane, obtain, oil stain, okane, ordain,outgain, owain, pacane, partain, pavane, pentane, peroneal vein,pertain, petain, poulaine, powertrain, procaine, profane, propane,pull chain, pusane, refrain, regain, remain, reordain, restrain, retain,retrain, right brain, rogaine, romain, romaine, romane, ronayne,rowaine, ruane, sarbane, sartain, sartrain, scrub plane, seatrain,sea lane, seed grain, seldane, septane, serbaine, slow lane, small cane,smitane, smooth plane, straight chain, sustain, switch cane,sword cane, sylvain, terrain, terrane, the crane, tirane, tolane, tompane,torain, tremaine, tulane, tzigane, ukraine, unchain, ungain, unstrain,untwain, uptain, urbain, urbane, warplane, watch chain, wave train,wind vane, wolf's bane, yeargain, zidane

3 syllables:
accutane, acid rain, acquitaine, ad campaign, anchor chain, appertain,aquitaine, ascertain, asiain, badelain, ball and chain, basal vein,bearing rein, black henbane, bonvillain, candy cane, cellophane,cell membrane, chamberlayne, charlemagne, charles's wain,chromophane, chrysophane, coastal plain, compass plane, cotton strain,coup de main, cullinane, cystic vein, dado plane, daisy chain,dibucaine, discount chain, dovetail plane, eikosane, entertain,express train, facet plane, facial vein, flower chain, gastric vein,giant cane, golden chain, golden rain, gravy train, hurricane,inclined plane, inhumane, in the main, kardashian, keohane, lafontaine,lafountain, lafountaine, lamontagne, lawyer cane, leading rein, lignocaine,liner train, london plane, lumbar vein, mark of cain, mary jane,matabane, mcelvain, mcelvaine, mcelwain, mcelwaine, mcilvain,mcilvaine, mcilwain, mental strain, messiaen, metric grain, monoplane,mountain chain, nervous strain, noble cane, open chain, overlain,overtrain, pellicane, petrolane, picture plane, pontoon plane, portal vein,power train, predomain, preordain, prilocaine, quiche lorraine,railroad train, rattan cane, rectal vein, renal vein, reobtain, retail chain,sales campaign, sewer main, smoothing plane, spinal vein, splenic vein,st germain, st germaine, subway train, sugarcane, sugar cane,take in vain, tangent plane, thyroid vein, traffic lane, transpadane,trikosane, urethane, vortex vein, wagon train, water main,weather vane, whooping crane, windowpane

4 syllables:
angular vein, apparel chain, bronchial vein, capital gain, cardinal vein,carpenter's plane, castle in spain, cerebral vein, cervical vein,chemical chain, circular plane, clitoral vein, common dogbane,commuter train, cross of lorraine, digital vein, electric main,engineer's chain, femoral vein, fetal membrane, fibular vein,financial gain, hepatic vein, hospital train, jugular vein,knowledge domain, lacrimal vein, left gastric vein, legerdemain,malacca cane, mangiapane, maxillary vein, mineral vein,mucous membrane, nautical chain, naval campaign, ophthalmic vein,orbital plane, palatine vein, passenger train, pectoral vein,plasma membrane, propeller plane, public domain, radial vein,restaurant chain, right gastric vein, senate campaign, spreading dogbane,sulfurophane, temporal vein, thoracic vein, tracheal vein, tympanic vein,uterine vein, vertebral vein, visceral brain, woodworking plane,yellow henbane

5 syllables:
alpine golden chain, american plane, capillary vein, capital of maine,capital of spain, combination plane, common facial vein,deep cervical vein, deep temporal vein, egyptian henbane,eminent domain, emissary vein, endogenous stain,frankfurt on the main, great cerebral vein, innominate vein,labyrinthine vein, laryngeal vein, mesenteric vein, metacarpal vein,middle thyroid vein, nasofrontal vein, obturator vein, occipital vein,oriental plane, ovarian vein, pancreatic vein, petersburg campaign,poinsettia strain, polyurethane, pulmonary vein, testicular vein,tympanic membrane, umbilical vein, whispering campaign,wilderness campaign

6 syllables:
accompanying vein, advertising campaign, capital of bahrain,common cardinal vein, embryonic membrane, external nasal vein,hepatic portal vein, middle cerebral vein, middle temporal vein,military campaign, okinawa campaign, political campaign,rocky mountain dogbane

7 syllables:
anterior facial vein, capital of the ukraine, deep middle cerebral vein,external jugular vein, inferior thyroid vein, internal cerebral vein,internal jugular vein, posterior facial vein, superior thyroid vein

8 syllables:
accessory vertebral vein, anterior cardinal vein, anterior cerebral vein,anterior jugular vein, anterior vertebral vein, inferior cerebral vein,inferior ophthalmic vein, internal auditory vein, posterior cardinal vein,superficial temporal vein, superior cerebral vein,superior ophthalmic vein

9 syllables:
inferior pulmonary vein, superior pulmonary vein

10 syllables:
superficial middle cerebral vein
The e in sane has an acute as in the french--his father was Senegalese and raised in France.....just sayin
Haha, ffs. Does my head in when these Twitter accounts start quoting stuff I've posted on here, like I'm trying to be Di Marzio or something.

Is there any chance we can encourage people to post twitter stuff in the twitter thread. I thought that's what it is there for. That citywatch stuff all over the place is irritating. It's just regugitated crap and most times it contradicts itself.
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