Lescott [Merged]

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BlueMooner87 said:
Fellanis Hairdo said:
I rate lescott I really do. But if you honestly think he is worth somewher between 90 and 120k per week you really have lost the plot.
well that is the going rate for a so called 30 million player which most evertonians think he is soo its either he is worth considerably less or you pay him the wages he deserves??

A players value is based on the value of his contract, Everton valued him at that price of £30m. how many £30m players are on less that that in the prem now, either way Everton have opened a can of worms. Im sure his agent will be all over this if he stays at everton, somthing along the lines of "Hes a £30m players is he, well we need a contract for a £30m player"
I didn't think we'd get another saga but this is probably the best/worst of the lot now.

I really hope Lescott signs though and soon.
A spot of light reading for you FH pass it on to the ginger one when you have finished. It would seem you both need some understanding of how valuations and salaries are linked ......<a class="postlink" href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W61-4FSFXKJ-2&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=b134d08aa7567c7d22317581f58fe3b1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_o ... 81f58fe3b1</a>
Dillon said:
I didn't think we'd get another saga but this is probably the best/worst of the lot now.

I really hope Lescott signs though and soon.

the knives are out and its going to get really messy from here on in. it just means this saga is nearing its end. it's going to get very bitchy !
Fellanis Hairdo said:
BlueMooner87 said:
pay lescott the going rate in wages if you wish to keep him, is what I think he is getting at

I rate lescott I really do. But if you honestly think he is worth somewher between 90 and 120k per week you really have lost the plot.

But given that money is no object, I don't know what there is to give two shits about if we're paying over the odds. We want to get where we're going as fast as we can and this is the only way we can make things happen. All we need, remember, is a squad that is good enough to get us a berth in the CL. If, by the end of the season, we have achieved this goal, we can have the pick of the planet's greatest footballers come the next summer's transfer window. Why are some BM people sweating the small stuff? It is clear that our owners intend to do whatever it takes to make things happen quickl - and quicly is the operative word here. I don't care if we pay Lescott £120k per week or a million a week. It is beside the point. As long as he's good enough to have a significant contribution to help us get to 4th or higher come next way, then fine.

I'm encouraged by our willingnes to to what it takes and pay what it takes. We have a bottomless pit of money and a very, very clever management team and I for one am delighted we're in a club in a hurry. Whatever gets us to where we want to be by next year is fine by me because once that happens, the sky truly will be the limit.
When footballers start pushing for paycuts whenever the form and value drops I'll concede that they have every right to be expecting payrises when their form and value increases.

What happened to the days when a contract meant something?

Everton defender Joleon Lescott is this afternoon expected to hand in a transfer request in a bid to prompt a £20m move to Manchester City.

City have had two bids - the latest for £19m - turned down by the Merseyside club with Everton telling them that the young England international is not for sale.

But Sportsmail understands that Lescott was this morning in the process of formally writing to Everton chairman Bill Kenwright to make it clear that he wants to leave, even if it means waiving his rights to a pay-off.

Having had their fingers burned by their failure to land John Terry from Chelsea, City will not increase their offer to Everton until there is a formal and clear indication from Lescott that he is ready to walk away.

City remain optimistic that they will manage to sign Lescott and they are happy to go above the £20m mark to do so.

But the Premier League's richest club have identified Newcastle's Sebastien Bassong and Portsmouth's Sylvin Distin as fall-back options if they can not do the deal before the start of the season.

If Lescott does not come than City manager Mark Hughes has been given the go-ahead to sign Bassong and former Eastlands captain Distin.

This, in turn, would pave the way for last season's captain Richard Dunne to leave the club.

City have not identified a captain for the new season but summer signing from Aston Villa Gareth Barry is currently favourite.
looking good, any everton fans want to comment?

oh. wait...yeah theyre not here are they.
Sam Eto's P45 said:
A spot of light reading for you FH pass it on to the ginger one when you have finished. It would seem you both need some understanding of how valuations and salaries are linked ......<a class="postlink" href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W61-4FSFXKJ-2&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=b134d08aa7567c7d22317581f58fe3b1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_o ... 81f58fe3b1</a>

you must be so proud you have learnt to use google.
maybe we should be really classless and ask to just loan him till jan 2011 just to see if hes worth paying 7m for
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