Let's bid for Fellaini to piss off gollum

pee dubyas crayons said:
We don't really need screech but how funny would it be. Gollums reaction would be priceless

Maybe we should put all our effort and concentration into tmrw nights game and building a team at our own club that is capable of going anywhere and winning, and does more often than not.

David Moyes and the Everton supporters will be loving how much air time we are giving them/him right now.

We lost, move on, put things right we will eventually have bigger fish to fry.
Yes please! I'd love to see his eyes pop out even more than they are atm!!
i think our owners should build them a new ground, as a secret benefactor, they would be pleased as punch untill on the last day building we paint it red.

fuck em, they are so small fry.
tevezblue said:
pee dubyas crayons said:
We don't really need screech but how funny would it be. Gollums reaction would be priceless

Maybe we should put all our effort and concentration into tmrw nights game and building a team at our own club that is capable of going anywhere and winning, and does more often than not.

David Moyes and the Everton supporters will be loving how much air time we are giving them/him right now.

We lost, move on, put things right we will eventually have bigger fish to fry.

Exactly. We were fucking dire. They played well but reports/commentary made them out to be world beaters. My arse. We'll regroup and come back stronger, play players in the right positions and bring new blood in and the injured will come back into the squad.
de niro said:

fuck em, they are so small fry.

This is the attitude that i hate on here. Not so long ago we were in a very similar position to them, or have we forgotten that now? If they are small fry, then god knows what a big club would have done to us on Sat.

Can we stop doing impressions of arrogant, ignorant, deluded Utd fans on this forum please ?
My first reaction would be to manifest Moyes' notion that we have no class by offering £25m for the whole of the starting line up AND Finch Farm.

But the way to deal with people like Moyes, who is becoming the next generation reincarnation of BaconFace, to the letter, is to behave with decorum. Don't sink to the sour, acidic, vitriolic level to which he stooped in his programme notes.

And until we have garnered sufficient decorum - Sod off, yer pop-eyed Glaswegian git.
This thread is typical of so many city fans since the money arrived are you going to buy every player who plays well in a side that gives you a doing. Maybe if your manager didnt buy mercenriers like ade, rob, etc they would act more as a team than a load of over paid twats
de niro said:
i think our owners should build them a new ground, as a secret benefactor, they would be pleased as punch untill on the last day building we paint it red.

fuck em, they are so small fry.

We got dicked by a team that is exactly that a team. Everton in recent times have won a shed load more than we have. We have been lucky and now is the time to enjoy that luck. It's like we won the lottery bought the best house on the block (but it's gonna need some work on it) and now some fans are laughing at the Jones family down the road becuase they only drive a 4 x 4 which is a couple of years old.

Can we as fans crack open the beer and simply celebrate our success and the feel good factor that comes with that. Instead of lauding it over the neighbours like that lotto chav winner Michael Carroll
Maybe you should stop making silly jokes and actually improve your team? Just a suggestion..

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