Letter re shares from City

alib said:
same here

I'm not selling my shares - I like the cerificate which is framed on my office wall

I did sell mine and sent the certificate off and they sent it back to my soon after as a memento.
ob said:
Godfather said:
Yep got exactly the same letter. I DIDN'T sell my shares when the sheikh took over, and now I would only get 10p for something my girlfriend paid £30 for. I'd rather have the certificate than the 10p.

I thought they had to be sold by law after he accumlated so many, that's why I sold mine back

I may be wrong but I think that they have to offer to buy them at the agreed price. Don't think you have to sell. Just look at all the fun and games between Kronke and Usmanov etc at the gooners.
blueday said:
alib said:
same here

I'm not selling my shares - I like the cerificate which is framed on my office wall

I did sell mine and sent the certificate off and they sent it back to my soon after as a memento.

Me too. One day it might be worth something again on ebay.
If i remember rightly the shares are 100% owned by the Sheikh as they were in the end compulsory purchased by Frank, under company law, the money for the shares was placed in an independent account ready to be claimed. The certificate is worthless except for claiming the money from the account As mentioned Frank arranged for the certificates to be returned as he understood the sentimental value.
Prestwich_Blue said:
alib said:
same here

I got the letter as well

I'm not selling my shares - I like the certificate which is framed on my office wall
They will send you the certificate back if you want.

Once in a blue moon strange things happen - the owners have to buy it; £100 and a seat for life, no offers.

Definitely worth more now.
kramer said:
If i remember rightly the shares are 100% owned by the Sheikh as they were in the end compulsory purchased by Frank, under company law, the money for the shares was placed in an independent account ready to be claimed. The certificate is worthless except for claiming the money from the account As mentioned Frank arranged for the certificates to be returned as he understood the sentimental value.

It wasnt compulsory to sell, however after a certain date, there were not worth a penny and therefore of no value, financially or being able to vote / act etc.

So the Sheikh can only own 100% of what Frank owned, I know a small number of Blues who refused to sell.
I've also got that letter -

At the time of Frank acquiring the shares I refused out of stuborness to surrender shares that cost me hundreds for an arbitrary value that his company decided they were worth. Like others I prefered to keep the certificate rather than take the money. I actually figured I'd just lost the money and wrote it off. I'm still disgusted at the way we can be told that they are worth 'X' amount regardless of the fortunes of the club that we supported when it needed financing (that's the only reason I can see for it offering shares in the first place) but I was surprised at being contacted to be offered money again this far down the line.

I thought we'd lost all rights to claim anything on them.

Does anybody know the real position on this? Why is the club's agents looking to clear this up now after so long? Do we retain any negotiating power (or say on the shares values) if there are still a number of certificate holders out there or are the shares nullified?

Like others I prefered to keep the certificate rather than take the insulting amount offered - this letter came out of the blue and started me thinking. I'd be interested if anyone could shed any light on things.

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