Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research – Please Take A Second To Read


Well-Known Member
22 Nov 2005
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As some of you are aware I having being raising much needed funds for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research so I wanted to give this very worthy cause another plug in the hope others can add a small donation that will make a difference and also give a boost to family and friends of those currently fighting this dreadful disease.

A close family friend of mine’s 6 year old boy, Lucas Pritchard is currently seriously ill with high risk Leukaemia and faces unbelievable adversity at such a young age over the next 5 years but he continues to smile and tackle head on every obstacle on a daily basis that is put in his way – His family have set a fundraising target of £10, 000 which we can help them reach – I know many of you have donated to the cause and once again thank you for doing so – Its gives Lucas and his family a much needed boost when they see this target climbing knowing we can prevent others from suffering.

So no matter how small a donation IT will make a difference, Please could I ask as many people as possible to copy a paste this thread and link and forward it to as many email contacts as possible or even as a Facebook status and other football forums you may use.

Thank you for taking the time to read this thread

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.justgiving.com/lucaspritchard" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.justgiving.com/lucaspritchard</a>
What Colin says above dig deep.

My wife's 1/3 through her treatment at the moment so I know where he's coming from.
Colin_Bell said:
A big thank you to the annymous Bluemooner who donated £50.

Could we make this thread a sticky for a couple of weeks please Mods

No worries mate.
I don't think people understand what work goes into it, and what work is needed.

I've watched a 3 year old, cutest bundle of energy fight her little socks off.
I've never met such a brave little girl. So developed for her age, such a personality.
It outstands me how much personality and character you get out of kids that young.
All she wanted to do for months was go back swimming, where she would stay in all day if her dad let her. She is an incredible fighter and thank God is perfectly fine now. Back swimming today. Eyes lit up.

The huge amount of work that goes in and the money that is needed can't be understated. Fantastic work is done and there are people out there praying that something is found that research takes a step forward. The more money the better for these brave little soldiers.

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