Lifestyle & retirement


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2 Feb 2009
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Just wondering how people people manage their work/ life balance, having recently turned 50 my thoughts have changed to retirement, I honestly can't face the thought of doing my current job until state retirement age. The thing is that it pays well and allows me the opportunity to pump money into my pension to allow me to retire early.

Looking on my forecasts the money I have in my pot now would give me a comfortable retirement when I turn 67, everything I am doing now is to bring that date forward, I am now starting to think that rather than working in a job I dislike for the next 8 years or so would I be better to say fuck it and change to something i find more rewarding that may mean I work 5 or 6 years longer.

Just curious if anyone has taken the plunge and gone early for a better lifestyle rather than additional financial gain in the future?
My advice is retire early. Put even more in your pot and aim for 62 or 63. (I did that).
You simply don't know how long you're here for ! Don't plan on working into your 70's (unless your job is very enjoyable).
I've found that i don't spend as much as I thought I would even though I've done about 30 cruises and a few other types of holidays in hotels.
I'm also told (by people in their 80s) that as you get into your 80's you spend a lot less money as you don't want to be doing shit all the time.

Throw the towel in early and enjoy the money you have worked for. I know of quite a few old friends who didn't make 70.
My advice is retire early. Put even more in your pot and aim for 62 or 63. (I did that).
You simply don't know how long you're here for ! Don't plan on working into your 70's (unless your job is very enjoyable).
I've found that i don't spend as much as I thought I would even though I've done about 30 cruises and a few other types of holidays in hotels.
I'm also told (by people in their 80s) that as you get into your 80's you spend a lot less money as you don't want to be doing shit all the time.

Throw the towel in early and enjoy the money you have worked for. I know of quite a few old friends who didn't make 70.
"Doing Shit" as in drugs ?
My advice is retire early. Put even more in your pot and aim for 62 or 63. (I did that).
You simply don't know how long you're here for ! Don't plan on working into your 70's (unless your job is very enjoyable).
I've found that i don't spend as much as I thought I would even though I've done about 30 cruises and a few other types of holidays in hotels.
I'm also told (by people in their 80s) that as you get into your 80's you spend a lot less money as you don't want to be doing shit all the time.

Throw the towel in early and enjoy the money you have worked for. I know of quite a few old friends who didn't make 70.
This is also part of my thinking, several people i know have either passed away in their 50's or have serious health issues. If I keep doing what im doing now I believe a could potentially go around 60-62, I just don't know if i can face doing this job which will enable me to finish early.
This is also part of my thinking, several people i know have either passed away in their 50's or have serious health issues. If I keep doing what im doing now I believe a could potentially go around 60-62, I just don't know if i can face doing this job which will enable me to finish early.
I planned on working till I was about 67 but at 61 I found out I needed a new heart valve, so open heart surgery and a metal valve inside me. I remember during the 4 months of recouperation .....fuck this I'm not going back to work, life's too short.
Just wondering how people people manage their work/ life balance, having recently turned 50 my thoughts have changed to retirement, I honestly can't face the thought of doing my current job until state retirement age. The thing is that it pays well and allows me the opportunity to pump money into my pension to allow me to retire early.

Looking on my forecasts the money I have in my pot now would give me a comfortable retirement when I turn 67, everything I am doing now is to bring that date forward, I am now starting to think that rather than working in a job I dislike for the next 8 years or so would I be better to say fuck it and change to something i find more rewarding that may mean I work 5 or 6 years longer.

Just curious if anyone has taken the plunge and gone early for a better lifestyle rather than additional financial gain in the future?

Me. Best decision I made, in spite of loads of people advising me not to. I retired six years early. My mortgage was paid off, I had a decent whack of savings and my navy pension. This paid my bills, bought my food and season ticket and left a small amount for a beer. My savings paid for my holidays and other stuff. I knew once I also got my state pension I'd be okay and I have been. Obviously this horrendous cost of living rise has impacted me like everyone else.

Nobody knows how long we're here for and I saw loads of workmates not even make sixty never mind pension age. Fuck working and being told what to do. If you can do it go for it. If you get bored or skint you can always get a job there seems to be loads out there.
I retired mid fifties.
I can tell you from then to late 60s was a piece of piss.
Great quality of life doing everything I wanted to do.
From late 69s decline is quick. I am now 71.
I still travel a lot but am waiting for a new hip. DIY is a chore now. Golf needs a buggy.
Retire as early as you can.
As others have said retire as soon as you can. Or even think about working part time, far better to enjoy life with a bit less money than wait to have more at 67. My dad was forced to retire from Mather + platts at 64, was due to get his pension a year later but didn't make it. Taught me a lesson, I'm 58 and had a heart attack 2 yrs ago, I'm a joiner and can't imagine doing another 9 yrs of it. I plan to draw my small pension when I'm 60, I think I can just about scrape through with no luxuries. Long as I can pay bills and have a roof over my head.
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