Lionel Messi | Joins Inter Miami (pg4111)

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I linked a tweet from a united fan saying Van de Beek is a better signing than Messi is to city, couldnt belive what i was reading
It was a bait and you fell for it. There are a billion bellends on twitter looking for attention and you're giving it to them. A huge part of their culture is get the tweet to "bang" and get reactions regardless of whether it's positive or negative.
Really stupid business with Barca trying to keep messi because I would rather sell for a manageable fee than let him walk next season for free anyway . Either way he is going and the fans will not be happy .
How can you announce Messi though? Surely it can't be the same way we announce everyone else? With a picture of them signing the contract.
I think they may possibly do a live unveil on YT or something. Have a countdown timer a few hours before.
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