Parents who take young kids to completely unsuitable places when everybody knows full well that in 10 minutes(if that) the kid will kick off about fuck all and everyone else will have to suffer, ie. football, golf tournaments, airports and planes etc.
Parents who blatantly can't/won't control their kids in public places, should be sterilised and the kids adopted.
People who touch your possessions and move them without asking/telling you.
insects, just fuck off somewhere else.
People expecting a tip when really they've just done a job they're paid to do and have done fuck all to deserve one.
American autoflush toilets because unless you wipe your bum sitting down you then have to hold your bog paper until the toilet fills up, just wait till I'm fucking finished!
Non-british traffic lights which go straight from red to green.
People who have turned charity into a guilt trip and the way to look good in society instead of it being used for its intended purpose.
Piers Morgan.