True, although worth noting that fans of every club are still tearing Liverpool a new one over that. The disconnect between the media and the supporters is quite something. I suspect fans want City to win the league over Liverpool, and it isn't for a single second because they love City.
The media want(ed) Liverpool to win because 'phoenix club rises from the ashes' it's a better story than 'moneybags club does it again'.
Having established these tropes for their (diminishing) readership, they had (some still have even) pretty much painted themselves into a corner. So, the myth that 'the whole football world was praying for plucky Brendan and wing commander Stevie' was peddled.
It was of course nonsense.
Fans of City, Everton, Leeds, Chelsea, much of United's out of town support - would all automatically not have wanted Liverpool to win in 2014. (And that's just the start - Juventus and the whole of Italy, anybody?).
The great surprise is that they have clung so doggedly to this mantra.
I suppose it can only be because there is an arrogance amongst the mainstream media that they can still set an agenda, as to what the narrative surrounding a football season is going to be, in the same way that they and Sky once did.
That dog died some time in the last ten years, when podcasts and fan tv took off. Nobody hangs on their every word anymore. Many of them resent or are still struggling to come to terms with their new (ie no longer revered) place in the pecking order. As a consequence, they can be grossly intolerant if those who stick their heads above the parapet and have the temerity to disagree with their gospel. (Just ask
@Lucky Toma about the snide swipes he suffers from time to time at the hands of certain print journalists).
Similarly, a club like City, which was ahead of the curve in recognising the new order (eg placing content on YouTube (City TV) before the mainstream media, will not be as well received by the print media as one like Liverpool, with whom there has been a long established, mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship...
Anyway, I've veered off of the thread's subject matter and into the media bias thread's reasoning. Obviously, there is no media bias and everything I have said is just me being silly. Me, unable to recognise my own confirmation bias or something (because only fans suffer from this, never fans with typewriters), if you will.
So, yeah. Long story short, football fans have become more parochial and insular than ever because of where their news is coming from and consequently, the woefully out of synch mainstream media are busily working at nothing trying to direct the agenda or trying to piggy back the new wave of micro-jingoism (for want of a better term) by behaving like glorified fanzines. Hence, "everybody loves Liverpool"...