Some people have to find things to fill their lives - I think I'll stick to walking the dog, and drinking beer!This guy on Red And White Kop is watching a completely different episode of Liverpool V Fulham to the one I am watching. (He produces this every single game, it's always the same outcome).
Decisions this game (For/against)
[=] Correct decision (Neither for/against Liverpool or Fulham)
[-] Incorrect decision (against Liverpool)
- Incorrect decision (for Liverpool)
Number shows comparison between for/against
00:07 Blatent foul on our Williams. Utterly ignored by the ‘referee’. Liverpool players go mad. [-1] [-1]
01:17 Afters on Jota. Totally ignored by the ‘referee’ [-1] [-2]
01:58 Salah blocked off in the area - arm across his throat. Probably a penalty. Of course this is ignored by the ‘referee’ and VAR takes no action [-1] [-3]
04:01 Williams fouled again - ‘Referee’ gives a decision, but it wasn’t as bad as the earlier Williams foul or the foul on Jota or the penno appeal [=] [-3]
07:33 Keita adjudged to have fouled the Fulham player. Didn’t look much in it. No replay from Sly, so suggests it wasn’t a foul [=] [-3]
13:13 Shakiri fouled. Referee not interested [-1] [-4]
16:10 Salah flagged offside. No replay from Sly. Didn’t look offside. [-1] [-5]
16:55 Liverpool flagged offside (looks correct) - Referee plays advantage for Fulham [=] [-5]
17:18 Keita fouled. Referee gives nothing [-1] [-6]
19:25 Milner goes for the ball. Nothing in it. No one appealing. Referee gives foul to Fulham. Even they look surprised. [-1] [-7]
20:05 Salah fouled. Referee plays advantage. Correct decision. [=] [-7]
21:38 Williams pushes the Fulham player. Foul given. Correct decision [=] [-7]
22:20 Shakira pushed in the back while in the air trying to head away. Nothing given. [-1] [-8]
23:15 Fulham given offside. Looks the correct decision. No replay from Sly [=] [-8]
24:45 Liverpool adjudged to have fouled the Fulham player. Referee plays advantage. Correct decision. [=] [-8]
26:16 Keita kicked from behind. Ref doesn’t play advantage or make any decision. [-1] [-9]
27:58 Fulham player with a high boot on Allisson. No freekick given to the keeper. Seen keepers given those all season [-1] [-10]
28:50 Fulham player offside. No flag. Nearly scores. [-1] [-11]
30:45 Liverpool player flagged for being offside. Looks the correct decision. [=] [-11]
32:45 Williams fouled. Referee gives nothing. [-1] [-12]
37:10 Jota fouled. Referee gives a foul to Liverpool(!!) and a yellow to Fulham!! Yellow looked harsh [+1] [-11]
39:03 Williams fouled again. Referee gives a foul to Liverpool [=] [-11]
39:45 Milner fouled. Referee ignores it. [-1] [-12]
40:45 Fulham player dives in the area Nothing in it. Referee gives nothing. Correct decision. [=] [-12]
40:50 Jota fouls Lemina. Jota is booked. Yeah bit naughty. Correct decision. [=] [-12]
42:33 Shakiri fouled. Referee ignores it. [-1] [-13]
43:50 Shakiri adjudged to have fouled Cavalairo. Yeah was a foul. Correct decision. [=] [-13]
44:20 High boot on Robertson in the area. Nothing given. Leads to a goal. [-1] [-14]
That’s jinxed it"Stuart" Klopp has managed to turn his team in City circa 2006 - can't score at home, let alone win.
Lovely to see though - I really think the second leg against Leipzig needs to be played at Anfield!!!!
This guy on Red And White Kop is watching a completely different episode of Liverpool V Fulham to the one I am watching. (He produces this every single game, it's always the same outcome).
Decisions this game (For/against)
[=] Correct decision (Neither for/against Liverpool or Fulham)
[-] Incorrect decision (against Liverpool)
- Incorrect decision (for Liverpool)
Number shows comparison between for/against
00:07 Blatent foul on our Williams. Utterly ignored by the ‘referee’. Liverpool players go mad. [-1] [-1]
01:17 Afters on Jota. Totally ignored by the ‘referee’ [-1] [-2]
01:58 Salah blocked off in the area - arm across his throat. Probably a penalty. Of course this is ignored by the ‘referee’ and VAR takes no action [-1] [-3]
04:01 Williams fouled again - ‘Referee’ gives a decision, but it wasn’t as bad as the earlier Williams foul or the foul on Jota or the penno appeal [=] [-3]
07:33 Keita adjudged to have fouled the Fulham player. Didn’t look much in it. No replay from Sly, so suggests it wasn’t a foul [=] [-3]
13:13 Shakiri fouled. Referee not interested [-1] [-4]
16:10 Salah flagged offside. No replay from Sly. Didn’t look offside. [-1] [-5]
16:55 Liverpool flagged offside (looks correct) - Referee plays advantage for Fulham [=] [-5]
17:18 Keita fouled. Referee gives nothing [-1] [-6]
19:25 Milner goes for the ball. Nothing in it. No one appealing. Referee gives foul to Fulham. Even they look surprised. [-1] [-7]
20:05 Salah fouled. Referee plays advantage. Correct decision. [=] [-7]
21:38 Williams pushes the Fulham player. Foul given. Correct decision [=] [-7]
22:20 Shakira pushed in the back while in the air trying to head away. Nothing given. [-1] [-8]
23:15 Fulham given offside. Looks the correct decision. No replay from Sly [=] [-8]
24:45 Liverpool adjudged to have fouled the Fulham player. Referee plays advantage. Correct decision. [=] [-8]
26:16 Keita kicked from behind. Ref doesn’t play advantage or make any decision. [-1] [-9]
27:58 Fulham player with a high boot on Allisson. No freekick given to the keeper. Seen keepers given those all season [-1] [-10]
28:50 Fulham player offside. No flag. Nearly scores. [-1] [-11]
30:45 Liverpool player flagged for being offside. Looks the correct decision. [=] [-11]
32:45 Williams fouled. Referee gives nothing. [-1] [-12]
37:10 Jota fouled. Referee gives a foul to Liverpool(!!) and a yellow to Fulham!! Yellow looked harsh [+1] [-11]
39:03 Williams fouled again. Referee gives a foul to Liverpool [=] [-11]
39:45 Milner fouled. Referee ignores it. [-1] [-12]
40:45 Fulham player dives in the area Nothing in it. Referee gives nothing. Correct decision. [=] [-12]
40:50 Jota fouls Lemina. Jota is booked. Yeah bit naughty. Correct decision. [=] [-12]
42:33 Shakiri fouled. Referee ignores it. [-1] [-13]
43:50 Shakiri adjudged to have fouled Cavalairo. Yeah was a foul. Correct decision. [=] [-13]
44:20 High boot on Robertson in the area. Nothing given. Leads to a goal. [-1] [-14]