Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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From BBC website … this has to be a wind up …

“Took my 84 year old mum to the game last night. She's been a Liverpool supporter her whole life but this was her first European final. We got to the ground at 18.30 local time and she was in her wheelchair. We both had genuine tickets but were told they were fake and when she asked the police office to hand her ticket back she was pepper sprayed and rolled off behind a cage so she could "calm down". When she tried to leave one of the police officers put some sort of bike lock around her wheelchair and this wasn't released until the game was finished. The whole trip cost me £5000. I was in Madrid and it was organised so well but this was just an absolute disgrace.”
Is it wrong that all I'm thinking is Lou and Andy? "last time in Paris you caused a right kerfuffle".
Listened to 15 minutes of Talkshite. They had a 'journalist' on to give his eye witness account of the shenanigans outside the ground. The presenters said 'we've had UEFA's version of events, but no idea where they've got their information from, do let's speak to someone who was actually there' - the narrative being UEFA are lying but this bloke from outside the ground will tell is the truth.

I'm guessing UEFA got their information from those out on the ground who were running the operation.

Now, there are two sides to every story, and you'd think our media would know that from Hillsborough and Heysel. But no, straight in with Johnny Foreigner pepper spraying our jolly supporters abroad. Not one mention whatsoever of there only being two occasions when the kick off has been delayed - both involving Liverpool fans.

Like I said, two sides to every story and I'll wait for the investigation to cltake place. However, I'm pretty sure if that was us the media would back us up as well, but I'm also sure they'd even the narrative out with mention of ticketless fans trying to get in.
Hmmm indeed uefa lying coming across from the English media,yet when we challenged uefa at CAS the English media believed every word coming from uefa ..
Re the issues outside the ground. It can be true that there were issues with fake tickets (more than likely as loads of people will chance their arm, like at the Euros final at Wembley) and that the officials organised it poorly & were heavy handed in response. I saw lots of videos of unnecessary tear gas against people. As much as I dislike Liverpool, that must have been an awful situation for fans who had genuine tickets and paid a lot for the trip. And then they lost anyway.
Sorry but that's just a consequence of the feral cunts once again pushing a situation to its limit. Its not about a kid getting tear gassed. If you add a variety of conditions like poor policing, fake tickets, pissed up fans plus the scouse man child behaviour, that is the outcome.
Imagine adding other factors like a crumbling wall, or penned terrace with no exit. We also know the outcome of that.. Getting tear gassed is nothing in that context.
How much fucking proof do we need? Lobbing flares at a coach full of people with one stuck on the roof burning away and the people inside unaware. I dont know how flammable a coach's exterior fittings are. Say it sets fire to a plastic skylight. Once you set a change of events in motion you have to be held responsible for the consequences. If you continually force these criminal situations then you have to face the consequences that an adult society expects. They are not and never will be lovable rogues.
This morning I'm chatting with a Juve fan mate of mine. Then you go on UK media and listen to excuses. Fuck some scouse **** getting tear gassed and fuck the media putting grubby money over ethics.
It's ALWAYS them, isn't it? Violence and death stalks that club. Why is that?
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