I’ve genuinely never been interested in going on that site. I just can’t see the appeal.
I have absolutely no interest whatsoever what some myopic bunch of Liverpool fans in an echo chamber (excuse the pun!) think about my Club.
Why would I? I can’t stand their club, and I’m sure the feelings mutual.
They haven’t got a clue about how we’re run, or our unique experience as a fan base - they’re fed a steady stream of bullshit about our Club by an entirely partisan, one-sided press, which I’m sure they accept as gospel without applying any critical thinking whatsoever. Whilst at the same time bleating about how unfair the Sun was in lying about their club. With no hint of irony.
Why would I have the slightest interest in listening to what they’ve got up say about us.
I find it baffling.
I’m sure they don’t care what we think about them - and fair play to them. I couldn’t give a fuck what they think either.