Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

Here's the thing about that VAR incident. It was horrendous but, at its core, was a correct decision appallingly mis-communicated.

Yet there have been so many decisions where VAR has plainly got it horribly and completely wrong. Situations like the one last weekend can be put right (although Darren England should be sacked and Webb should resign) but because it's the professional Scouse whingers, suddenly it's the worst decision of all time.
Sorry Prestwich, I don't understand how it was correct? What do you mean. Thanks
Sorry Prestwich, I don't understand how it was correct? What do you mean. Thanks
var assumed the goal had been given so told them to go with the onfield decision, var in essence was correct as they knew he was onside, they just didnt communicate that to the onfield officials properly
You are spot on in referencing the communication. If you listen to the audio, the VAR’s are talking over each other, not listening to each other. I train and mentor young staff at work, and constantly have to tell them that listening is key to communication, not constantly talking. That such huge decisions in a multi billion pound industry are being made by people with such poor communication skills is incredible. But realistically why would we expect people who are on field referees to be proficient at what is a totally different and more technical challenge. The scousers can scream conspiracy all they want, but it is just breathtaking incompetence.
Totally, I posted before all the Official’s involved are just talking over each other without a single, calm and authoritative voice, as they do in Cricket and Rugby. You can’t listen and make judgements whilst fighting for air time.

The start of the commentary is laughable, two of them saying something like “ he’s holding, he’s holding but it’s not a foul”. They don’t need to verbally engage in every passage of play, they only need to look at incidents where decisions could possibly be overturned and for offsides (I think some latitude should be applied as in the old “daylight” rule).

There should be none of this sending the ref to the monitor because by definition that can’t be “clear and obvious”, ref has made an on field decision, VAR thinks it may be incorrect but just so they can pass on the responsibility they hand back to the ref to “fall on his whistle”.

It’s a total shambles, I would honestly bring in a Cricket or Rugby referee to revamp the whole process, an official ideally with no allegiance to any football team. They don’t need to run it, just implement and assess from time to time.
var assumed the goal had been given so told them to go with the onfield decision, var in essence was correct as they knew he was onside, they just didnt communicate that to the onfield officials properly
Ah OK. Understood. They agreed with a decision that was wrong and didn't listen.
Sorry Prestwich, I don't understand how it was correct? What do you mean. Thanks
I meant they realised he was onside. But how many decisions have gone to VAR or even seemingly not been reviewed, when we've said "How the hell has that not been given?" That's the real scandal.
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var assumed the goal had been given so told them to go with the onfield decision, var in essence was correct as they knew he was onside, they just didnt communicate that to the onfield officials properly

That lies in where the whole thing went wrong. In another weekend of carnage of VAR they need to review how they communicate and who communicates to stop this happening again.
They’re fucking ill with victimhood that lot, they’re riddled with it.

A phrase that has been too commonly sung on terraces over the last three decades in reference to Hillsborough’…?

It only started being sung after the Suarez:Evra incident. And IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HILLSBOROUGH.

For the ’Redmen’ scouring our pages looking to be offended, I’ll just remind them all:

They killed 39 football fans at Heysel (a day when they had a number of flags in their end mocking Munich) and some of their cunts claimed it was Chelsea fans, others that it was Belgian skinheads, others blamed UEFA, others blamed the stadium, others said Juve fans started it… swathes of the cunts claiming it was not their fault.

They have many Steaua Bucharesti banners glorifying the deaths of those 39 fans that they unfurl whenever they play Everton… they never call their own fans out for it, and the media certainly never do, but are constantly crying when other fans have a pop at them about it. And they wonder why everyone always calls them the victims. Those banners are an utter disgrace.

As was having their trophy parade on the anniversary of Heysel at the end of the season before last. Could you imagine what would be said by the Cult if South Yorkshire Police were found to have a big celebratory function on 15th April?

They’ve chanted ‘there’s only one Harold Shipman’ at City fans for years. A serial killer of Mancunians, someone who killed two and a half times more people than died at Hillsborough. But the Cult think that’s alright and funny to sing about.

They sang IRA songs at both recent games against Rangers. Manchester was bombed four times by the IRA with 277 people being injured (some having their lives changed forever from their injuries) and in another local IRA bombing two children died in Warrington (one of which was a Liverpool fan)… again, they think that’s alright and funny to chant.

They’ve been booing the national anthem for around four years now (they even booed the traditional FA Cup final anthem Abide With Me the other season, all because they probably feel offended that it’s not their pre-game song being sung and there’s allowed to be other traditional songs sung before games other than their dirge!). Two Community Shields and two Cup finals. They disrupted a 27 second silence for the Queen dying and were chanting about her being in a box in recent games against Rangers.
All because they think Liverpool/Liverpudlians are treated differently by the government or the rest of the country and that the rest of the country has an anti-Irish sentiment. However, all the dock and pit towns and cities were treated just like Liverpool, and there are more people of Irish descent in each of Manchester, Birmingham and London than in Liverpool.

They broke a window of a City fan coach in 2014, a City fan mini-bus in 2015, our team coach in 2018 and again last season. They spat at the City bench last season and threw coins at Pep this season. They pride themselves on telling the world that Anfield is the most hostile place on Champions League nights and that they will frighten the opposition with their bus ‘welcomes’, yet whenever Italians come to town and kick fuck out of them as a badge of honour for all Italians because of Heysel or because of their bluster about being the most intimidating, they all start crying about it. Again, it’s not their fault, they didn’t entice Italian hooligans to go to Anfield and have a go (Roma) or run round the Anfield area of Liverpool until the early hours of the morning looking for them (Napoli)… it’s them being the victims again. If you like to dish out a hostile reception for visiting teams (something I don’t have a massive problem with, football fan culture is hostile, just don’t take it too far) and if you like to unfurl Steaua Bucharesti flags don’t cry when visiting fans take exception to it and kick fuck out of your fans. If you didn’t create the hostility, these visiting fans wouldn’t kick fuck out of you. They don’t at the Etihad, there have been a number of sets of visiting Italian fans who have got on very well with us.

They’ve gone ticketless to finals or other games so many times that they don’t see the stupidity in their actions.

(have you ever been to any event - football match, rugby match, gig/concert, the Post Office, a cash point - and seen the Police organising the queue? no, we as civilised humans organise ourselves into queues and don’t need anyone telling me how to do it wherever I’ve been!)

A French Politician said Klopp was to blame for the chaos, and the evidence is there
Klopp criticises UEFA - tells fans 'you made it special'

He told ticketless Liverpool fans to go to Paris… and disruption came when thousands had fake tickets or no tickets and tried to enter the stadium… just like the Emirates, just like Athens, just like other games! It’s not a coincidence that it’s always them. How is it that the bottom tier of the Liverpool end in Paris was fucking chock-a-block yet there were still thousands outside with tickets?

It’s a repeated thing with their fanbase - repeated so many times it’s unbelievable how their fans don’t see it and always lay the blame on everyone else but themselves. It’s always UEFA’s fault, or the stadium, or the government of the country they’ve visited, the Police’s fault, the fault of locals or fans of the other team… they never take responsibility themselves, they never sit back and think ‘hang on a minute, I think someone from our fanbase needs to step forward and condemn our fans behaviour for once’.

As a club, they hacked City’s computer systems and got away with it; something that, by UK law, should be punished with imprisonment. They organised a hate campaign that was lapped up and carried on by the media towards Raheem Sterling all because he dared to leave them. They failed Financial Fair Play but strangely didn’t achieve a place through the league or a trophy to see them qualify for Europe in the season they would have been banned from Europe (a bit of a coincidence that, eh? positioning themselves exactly where they couldn’t receive a torrent of negative press for failing FFP by not qualifying for Europe, including a defeat to Oldham in the FA Cup to make sure. Someone somewhere investigated that?… nope, okay, as you were!). Yet they moan about City and our finances, always bringing up the FFP/CAS stuff. But having a look at their owners, they were done for filming the opposition when they were making sign calls in baseball (classed as cheating and against baseball rules). FSG are widely hated in the USA for it.

They were a major player in Project Big Picture that nobody wanted and was an insult to English football culture and history, and they were a major player in the European Super League that nobody wanted and was an insult to European football culture and history.

They are complicit in the organised hate campaign against Manchester City and Sheikh Mansour/Abu Dhabi/Emiratis, their manager is always coming out with lies about the way we are run, how we spend our money, what money we spend, and it’s always tinged with an anti-Emirati attitude… his comments after we were exonerated by CAS over the UEFA/FFP stuff was utterly pathetic ‘this is a bad day for football’ he said when the evidence against us was pretty much laughed out of court. The fucking toothy ****.

And their fans are openly racist towards Emiratis with their ‘dirty Arab oil money’ shit they’re always saying… yet they don’t see anything wrong with it. They have a shirt sponsor that was fined billions for money laundering for terrorist organisations yet moan about Abu Dhabi’s human rights abuses all the time.

When Luis Suarez was done for being racist to Patrice Evra, the Liverpool fanbase and manager and team all got behind him and all wore t-shirts supporting him. They backed their support behind a racist and played it like he was the victim of a hate campaign!

They threw acid at the United team once… acid, for fuck’s sake!

They don’t see anything wrong with anything their club or their fanbase ever does.

They always play the victims! They never admit it’s their fault, they always say it’s someone else’s fault. And they always bring up Hillsborough as their default back-up excuse claiming ‘the other boys said nasty things about Hillsborough’ (when most of the time no fucker even has!) to deflect away from their fans’ misdemeanours.

‘ALWAYS THE VICTIMS, IT’S NEVER YOUR FAULT’ has fuck all to do with Hillsborough but everything to do with the above and probably dozens of other instances that other sets of fans could bring up.

This is the ‘Real Truth’, Ian Byrne. Now you show any evidence of the ‘Always The Victims’ chant bring anything to do with Hillsborough and evidence of it ever being sung before 2011; go on…

Bravo Bravo.
My chest feels lighter for just reading that never mind writing it
They’re fucking ill with victimhood that lot, they’re riddled with it.

A phrase that has been too commonly sung on terraces over the last three decades in reference to Hillsborough’…?

It only started being sung after the Suarez:Evra incident. And IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HILLSBOROUGH.

For the ’Redmen’ scouring our pages looking to be offended, I’ll just remind them all:

They killed 39 football fans at Heysel (a day when they had a number of flags in their end mocking Munich) and some of their cunts claimed it was Chelsea fans, others that it was Belgian skinheads, others blamed UEFA, others blamed the stadium, others said Juve fans started it… swathes of the cunts claiming it was not their fault.

They have many Steaua Bucharesti banners glorifying the deaths of those 39 fans that they unfurl whenever they play Everton… they never call their own fans out for it, and the media certainly never do, but are constantly crying when other fans have a pop at them about it. And they wonder why everyone always calls them the victims. Those banners are an utter disgrace.

As was having their trophy parade on the anniversary of Heysel at the end of the season before last. Could you imagine what would be said by the Cult if South Yorkshire Police were found to have a big celebratory function on 15th April?

They’ve chanted ‘there’s only one Harold Shipman’ at City fans for years. A serial killer of Mancunians, someone who killed two and a half times more people than died at Hillsborough. But the Cult think that’s alright and funny to sing about.

They sang IRA songs at both recent games against Rangers. Manchester was bombed four times by the IRA with 277 people being injured (some having their lives changed forever from their injuries) and in another local IRA bombing two children died in Warrington (one of which was a Liverpool fan)… again, they think that’s alright and funny to chant.

They’ve been booing the national anthem for around four years now (they even booed the traditional FA Cup final anthem Abide With Me the other season, all because they probably feel offended that it’s not their pre-game song being sung and there’s allowed to be other traditional songs sung before games other than their dirge!). Two Community Shields and two Cup finals. They disrupted a 27 second silence for the Queen dying and were chanting about her being in a box in recent games against Rangers.
All because they think Liverpool/Liverpudlians are treated differently by the government or the rest of the country and that the rest of the country has an anti-Irish sentiment. However, all the dock and pit towns and cities were treated just like Liverpool, and there are more people of Irish descent in each of Manchester, Birmingham and London than in Liverpool.

They broke a window of a City fan coach in 2014, a City fan mini-bus in 2015, our team coach in 2018 and again last season. They spat at the City bench last season and threw coins at Pep this season. They pride themselves on telling the world that Anfield is the most hostile place on Champions League nights and that they will frighten the opposition with their bus ‘welcomes’, yet whenever Italians come to town and kick fuck out of them as a badge of honour for all Italians because of Heysel or because of their bluster about being the most intimidating, they all start crying about it. Again, it’s not their fault, they didn’t entice Italian hooligans to go to Anfield and have a go (Roma) or run round the Anfield area of Liverpool until the early hours of the morning looking for them (Napoli)… it’s them being the victims again. If you like to dish out a hostile reception for visiting teams (something I don’t have a massive problem with, football fan culture is hostile, just don’t take it too far) and if you like to unfurl Steaua Bucharesti flags don’t cry when visiting fans take exception to it and kick fuck out of your fans. If you didn’t create the hostility, these visiting fans wouldn’t kick fuck out of you. They don’t at the Etihad, there have been a number of sets of visiting Italian fans who have got on very well with us.

They’ve gone ticketless to finals or other games so many times that they don’t see the stupidity in their actions.

(have you ever been to any event - football match, rugby match, gig/concert, the Post Office, a cash point - and seen the Police organising the queue? no, we as civilised humans organise ourselves into queues and don’t need anyone telling me how to do it wherever I’ve been!)

A French Politician said Klopp was to blame for the chaos, and the evidence is there
Klopp criticises UEFA - tells fans 'you made it special'

He told ticketless Liverpool fans to go to Paris… and disruption came when thousands had fake tickets or no tickets and tried to enter the stadium… just like the Emirates, just like Athens, just like other games! It’s not a coincidence that it’s always them. How is it that the bottom tier of the Liverpool end in Paris was fucking chock-a-block yet there were still thousands outside with tickets?

It’s a repeated thing with their fanbase - repeated so many times it’s unbelievable how their fans don’t see it and always lay the blame on everyone else but themselves. It’s always UEFA’s fault, or the stadium, or the government of the country they’ve visited, the Police’s fault, the fault of locals or fans of the other team… they never take responsibility themselves, they never sit back and think ‘hang on a minute, I think someone from our fanbase needs to step forward and condemn our fans behaviour for once’.

As a club, they hacked City’s computer systems and got away with it; something that, by UK law, should be punished with imprisonment. They organised a hate campaign that was lapped up and carried on by the media towards Raheem Sterling all because he dared to leave them. They failed Financial Fair Play but strangely didn’t achieve a place through the league or a trophy to see them qualify for Europe in the season they would have been banned from Europe (a bit of a coincidence that, eh? positioning themselves exactly where they couldn’t receive a torrent of negative press for failing FFP by not qualifying for Europe, including a defeat to Oldham in the FA Cup to make sure. Someone somewhere investigated that?… nope, okay, as you were!). Yet they moan about City and our finances, always bringing up the FFP/CAS stuff. But having a look at their owners, they were done for filming the opposition when they were making sign calls in baseball (classed as cheating and against baseball rules). FSG are widely hated in the USA for it.

They were a major player in Project Big Picture that nobody wanted and was an insult to English football culture and history, and they were a major player in the European Super League that nobody wanted and was an insult to European football culture and history.

They are complicit in the organised hate campaign against Manchester City and Sheikh Mansour/Abu Dhabi/Emiratis, their manager is always coming out with lies about the way we are run, how we spend our money, what money we spend, and it’s always tinged with an anti-Emirati attitude… his comments after we were exonerated by CAS over the UEFA/FFP stuff was utterly pathetic ‘this is a bad day for football’ he said when the evidence against us was pretty much laughed out of court. The fucking toothy ****.

And their fans are openly racist towards Emiratis with their ‘dirty Arab oil money’ shit they’re always saying… yet they don’t see anything wrong with it. They have a shirt sponsor that was fined billions for money laundering for terrorist organisations yet moan about Abu Dhabi’s human rights abuses all the time.

When Luis Suarez was done for being racist to Patrice Evra, the Liverpool fanbase and manager and team all got behind him and all wore t-shirts supporting him. They backed their support behind a racist and played it like he was the victim of a hate campaign!

They threw acid at the United team once… acid, for fuck’s sake!

They don’t see anything wrong with anything their club or their fanbase ever does.

They always play the victims! They never admit it’s their fault, they always say it’s someone else’s fault. And they always bring up Hillsborough as their default back-up excuse claiming ‘the other boys said nasty things about Hillsborough’ (when most of the time no fucker even has!) to deflect away from their fans’ misdemeanours.

‘ALWAYS THE VICTIMS, IT’S NEVER YOUR FAULT’ has fuck all to do with Hillsborough but everything to do with the above and probably dozens of other instances that other sets of fans could bring up.

This is the ‘Real Truth’, Ian Byrne. Now you show any evidence of the ‘Always The Victims’ chant bring anything to do with Hillsborough and evidence of it ever being sung before 2011; go on…

I don't see how any of that is Liverpool's fault mate ;)

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