He does go on a bit about prices and then tells you how cheap it is in Vietnam. No shit, earning a Western wage and living in a country where the average wage is about £500 per month (1/4 the average uk wage). Scale his prices up and his £40 Gym fee would be £160 per month in the UK. Regarding roads, yep there are pot holes and if hes comparing it to Japan or Singapore then fair enough, but to say its worse than places in India and other parts of the far east, all I can say is that he's never ventured out of the cities or even tried to use the roads.
I do however agree with his thoughts around cities and the run down nature post Covid. Take York for instance, it used to have no problem letting shops and premises, however now many of the smaller businesses have gone under there's a lot more boarded up places than there used to be, this is magnified on a much larger scale in Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield etc.
Fully agree as well re eating in restaurants, it seems no matter what you pay its nearly always disappointing due to the quality and service. Also feel the same re the sentiment that I could have cooked something at home better and for a fifth of the price. The food doesn't have to be fancy, but for gods sake use the best quality ingredients you can.