Liz Truss

Cracked me up that she even tried that one. Fair play. Politics in this country is really down the toilet. It's like Pep coming out after the CL final and saying we played really well and the reason we won the game is because we worked so hard for it. Of course, we lost, but don't let facts influence your words.

We paid a debt after 6 years. That isn't diplomacy, that's business.
We didn’t even repay it for her, rather as an oil guarantee with her as an added bonus.
You can image Brianless is seething right now after what Zaghari Ratcliffe said. No photo op or victory lap for Truss after that bombshell ungrateful woman.

No negative comments about Truss for nearly two weeks!

"That is a disgrace."

another one having their career ambitions and arse handed to them - the abject lack of talent at the top of this Govt should be alarming but I find it kind of funny that a load of Hooray Henry's and Henrietta's turn out to be useless and people are somehow surprised

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