Caught the back end of a gardening make over show while waiting for the next prigramme on BBC1 the other week. Someone kept saying Charlie Dimmock's name and I kept wondering why until I realised she was in it!Charlie Dimmock/Ray Parlour.
Also thought when younger Roger Daltrey and Michael Crawford had a bit of a resemblence.
Blanche Hunt & Arsene Wenger! Brilliant! (I assume it's AW)
Yes, I've always thought Dimmock & Parlour looked similar, esp. when Parlour had those long red curls.Charlie Dimmock/Ray Parlour.
Also thought when younger Roger Daltrey and Michael Crawford had a bit of a resemblence.
I’m impressed you knew the name of herBlanche Hunt & Arsene Wenger! Brilliant! (I assume it's AW)