Loose women [The programme]


Well-Known Member
31 Jul 2008
'I think this and i think that. In my opinion this, in my opinion that. I think society would be better like this and people shouldn't do that. This is my thoughts on what is wrong with this and this is how i feel about that. Why is Gordon Brown not doing what i think he should do. I don't like the way this is being done. Etc etc. etc.'

How about.....you shut the fuck up and make me some food you fat middle aged fucking slag. Or...how about you get a personality and some brains and stop embarassing yourselves you dellusional self opinionated whores. What the fuck makes you think anyone gives a fuck about what you think about the economy, fatherless children or youth crime you irritating twats?

How about - you get yourself down to the bingo, chat shit to some other like minded middle aged idiots and then make some food for the lads before further embarrsing yourselves by serving the food in a skimpy little skirt from topshop that was actually desgined for your daughter you stupid fucking wannabe little skets.

How the fuck is this shite alowed on the telly for fuck sake? Stupid bints. The kitchen's that way you haggerd woman>
Leave the thinking to the men and know your place. You aint a feminist, you aint pushing the boundaries of society for a new order where middle aged never has beens rule the middle pages of the News Of The World, you aint Jermaine Greer, you aint some oppressed black women sat on the front of a bus refusing to move for some racist white man, you aint stood in front of a tank in China standing up for your rights, you aint even an abused wife stood in court trying to defend why, after 16 yrs of abuse, you killed your husband and you aint some hippy from the 60's demandng equality for womenkind - you're just a bunch of middle aged slags with about as much social awareness as an Austrian child abuse victim living in a cell.

So shut the fuck up and make me a fucking pie.
I like the programme (not that I watch it much as I am usually at work when it's on).

Does the OP find it threatening in some way? Seems like that to me.
mackenzie said:
I like the programme (not that I watch it much as I am usually at work when it's on).

Does the OP find it threatening in some way? Seems like that to me.
Same as that Mac. Seen it the odd time when I've been on hols or off sick. It's your typical daytime telly, i.e. you don't need a degree to watch it.
jimharri said:
mackenzie said:
I like the programme (not that I watch it much as I am usually at work when it's on).

Does the OP find it threatening in some way? Seems like that to me.
Same as that Mac. Seen it the odd time when I've been on hols or off sick. It's your typical daytime telly, i.e. you don't need a degree to watch it.

No, you don't need a degree. But for a certain gender of a particular age it's quite relaxing and occasionally amusing.

The OP on this thread doesn't like teenage Mums being castigated (see the other thread) but it seems it is ok to call women of a certain age and disposition.

Shoddy imho.
Yeah, I saw your post on the other threads re single teenaged mums Mac. You are spot on. Most of them do see it as a "meal ticket" from the state. I'm sure the vast majority of them have heard of contraception, yet they still get pregnant. Plus, when someone like yourself( with your experience of the issue) speaks so strongly on the subject, people should listen.
And programmes like 'Loose Women', chat shows and all soaps are geared towards women. Simple. They make up the home life and daytime audience percentage, so that makes sense. TV is also geared towards women and teens in the evening, whilst men are given late night slots, regardless of what time they work. Usually designed for the 'watershed'.

Set the timer, watch it some other time, is the attitude. On the rare occasions, we'll be allowed some sport to override the evening slot, but not without severe complaint.

Equality? Where's that, then...?

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