Lord Pannick to represent City / Pannick's OJ-style Summation

No-no, no-no no-no, no-no no-no, no-no we're not guilty. Ya-ya, ya-ya, ya-ya, ya-ya ya-ya, ya-ya, clear our good name. M'lord
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Y’r lord, in summation I submit to you that the prosecution by their actions have clearly exhibited bias and a desire to persecute the defendant by submitting 115 charges, which we argue are all in conflict with the actions and records of our client, when the prosecution could simply have registered 5 or at most 6 charges. This indication of extreme prejudice should tell you everything about their motivation, and the fact that they are taking this action on behalf of what is commonly known as ‘the bunch of red cunts’. Apologies for the language m’ lord.
Your honour,
We have a pile of evidence which proves our innocence. We have banged on about it for ten years. The PL and the Redshirts just won’t take no for an answer. Tell them to fuck off, it’s over. If you prefer ‘cease and desist’ to ‘fuck off’ we are content with that.

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