Loyalty Point System

I think the key thing is that loyalty points should be on a rolling 10 or 5 year period. At present it was set up ten years ago. Why should that starting period be in place for time immemorial? A rolling time period would always reward the loyalty od match going blues and no one would lose out.
Ive just over 3500, and got my ticket in the phone scramble yesterday, so obviously the current system works for me, but taking on board, the comment, that as things stand10- 12,000 Seasoncard holders will always have c25,000 in front of them in the queue, and realistically will struggle to make any headway, until the oldest stop going and (bluntly put) die off, probably the fairest system would be one whereby loyalty is measured historically, as at present, but also takes into account "current loyalty" over a 3-5 year period.

So long term historical loyalty counts for plenty, but if you start to pick and choose (for any reason and go to less games, your advantage over newer seasoncard holders would begin to diminish over a period of time

So, i would suggest something like your loyalty points being, (presumably easily established with modern computers), the best 4 years from a rolling 5 year period. With this system your oldest season`s loyalty points would be removed each year, and be replaced by what you are currently achieving. The suggestion of best 4 out of 5 seasons (or something similar) would take into account somebody taking an enforced break due to a temporary change in circumstances (financial, family or whatever), but would also mean you can only effectively maintain your loyalty points level, by continuing to be as "loyal" as you once were.

Personally dont think it would be as complicated to implement, as i have probably made it sound, and i think it would be fairer to all

SWP's back said:
I think the key thing is that loyalty points should be on a rolling 10 or 5 year period. At present it was set up ten years ago. Why should that starting period be in place for time immemorial? A rolling time period would always reward the loyalty od match going blues and no one would lose out.

I think this is a good idea !! or maybe we have to accept that there is no 100% fair way and accept what we have. !!

id hate that stupid Ballot system !!!
johnmc said:
gio's side step said:
That is the key point

Remember that those with historical points who go the big games get points for the big games which the people who cant get them dont get so that will keep them gaining points back the others cant get.

The point was, that in time, loyalty will be rewarded if earned. Read Jay's point. He is right. If they go EVERY game, season after season home and away (or as many aways as they can a. get to, and b, pick up tickets for), like I and many others have had to, (during which were decades of watching absolute dross and no hope of a final), they will bypass those still living off past attendances.

It's the logic of allegiance. And the logic of loyalty. Unfortunately, it is measured, over a period of time. Those who you are criticising, may not have gone to as many games in recent years, as say some of the younger fans, but they have likely gone to double that amount over many years prior.
No way on gods earth is the loyalty points scheme going to be reset i know lads 8k+ its cost em a lot of time and money to build those up doe's anybody really think the club are going to disregard these for a bunch of johnny come latelys who might do 3 seasons and then get bored er i don't think so.Do the time like the rest of us have and you'll get to go to bigger games this will be my 2nd cup final in 30 years 3 if you count the replay, i suspect over the next 30 years the newbies might get to see a few more.
i kne albert davy said:
No way on gods earth is the loyalty points scheme going to be reset i know lads 8k+ its cost em a lot of time and money to build those up doe's anybody really think the club are going to disregard these for a bunch of johnny come latelys who might do 3 seasons and then get bored er i don't think so.Do the time like the rest of us have and you'll get to go to bigger games this will be my 2nd cup final in 30 years 3 if you count the replay, i suspect over the next 30 years the newbies might get to see a few more.

Take a bow
On a similar theme can anyone answer this for me? I’ve been going with my old man for approx 25 years now with us both having season tickets. My dad had the season tickets before I was old enough to go so both are in his name and DOB etc. Sounds morbid but at some point we will want to change them to my name (or at least one of them) but when we do that, apparently it acts as a new card so all the points from that card will be wiped off I think. Surely that can’t be right. Currently there are approx 4500 points on both cards. We could keep them both in my dad’s name but next year he qualifies for a pensioner card which is why we started to think about all this!
gio's side step said:
johnmc said:
Remember that those with historical points who go the big games get points for the big games which the people who cant get them dont get so that will keep them gaining points back the others cant get.

The point was, that in time, loyalty will be rewarded if earned. Read Jay's point. He is right. If they go EVERY game, season after season home and away (or as many aways as they can a. get to, and b, pick up tickets for), like I and many others have had to, (during which were decades of watching absolute dross and no hope of a final), they will bypass those still living off past attendances.

It's the logic of allegiance. And the logic of loyalty. Unfortunately, it is measured, over a period of time. Those who you are criticising, may not have gone to as many games in recent years, as say some of the younger fans, but they have likely gone to double that amount over many years prior.

One decade. The loyalty points system came in ONE decade ago. People that went for 20 years watching shite but couldn't get one in 2001-2005 through kids/work etc aren't rewarded and they may have been to a far higher number of games than you in total.

That is why it has to be a rolling period.
gio's side step said:
johnmc said:
Remember that those with historical points who go the big games get points for the big games which the people who cant get them dont get so that will keep them gaining points back the others cant get.

The point was, that in time, loyalty will be rewarded if earned. Read Jay's point. He is right. If they go EVERY game, season after season home and away (or as many aways as they can a. get to, and b, pick up tickets for), like I and many others have had to, (during which were decades of watching absolute dross and no hope of a final), they will bypass those still living off past attendances.

It's the logic of allegiance. And the logic of loyalty. Unfortunately, it is measured, over a period of time. Those who you are criticising, may not have gone to as many games in recent years, as say some of the younger fans, but they have likely gone to double that amount over many years prior.

The point is you cant go EVERY game if you havent got the points to get the tickets.

You tell me how long it would take someone with a new season ticket who goes every game he can get to catch up with a ten year pick and choose season ticket holder. So lets say for example rags, anfield, Arsenal and Chelsea (im aware they didnt all sell out this year because of tv/monday night etc) all go to higher points so he cant get them. Then as we are are likely to be high up in the league he might not get to the final 2 or 3 games as we are going for the league (but he might if we arent which is part of the problem). So lets just say theres 6 aways (might include Bolton) he cant get to - the person who can pick and choose goes to these big games. Therefore all the other fellas trips to Blackpool, Norwich, Aston Villa, Blackburn are rendered pointless as he has gained nothing points wise

So he goes the early rounds of the cup whereas the other fella doesnt - that guy goes when it gets interesting.

So lets just theres an actual game difference of only about ten and they dont get to see the big games. Would you be happy having to wait 5 years minimum to catch up?

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