Lunchbox Monitors Good Or Bad Thing?

Schools seem to be taking the parent's role.
First hand experience - big percentage of parents abdicate from their role. Lunchboxes full of crap food, not even junk food standards, is not uncommon. Cakes, sweets, pepperami, monster munch and nothing even close to nutritious. And the mum complains that he's not eating his lunch!!! Maybe he sees other kids having something good and wants that. Only 4 years old.
In a lot of cases, we have to, seeing as the actual parents are a) kids themselves and b) shite parents.
Sadly this is a real flip side, there are a lot of feckless useless parents about.

The local school near me has a "breakfast club" and on a monday morning you see the kids who have wreck head parents go in early to this club because their parents are in bed smashed or indeed still getting smashed.It gets me pretty angry seeing a few parents walk half the estate to school.
Steve Fryer, whose son's sausage roll was confiscated, said the school should "stick to teaching kids".

But if you are not 'teaching' healthy eating which will affect the childs health, wellbeing and impact on society as a whole, then the teachers will have to carryout the teaching.
In the dining hall sure and they could ban packed lunches, i would prefer that than having someone manually go through my food. The idea some adult who knows me a best in a tenuous capacity regarding my diet has power to say yes or no to what i eat crosses the line imo. Have a great huge selection in the dining hall and ban packed lunches if you really want to influence the "you are what you eat" bit. Give the kids a choice and it is not so imposing, telling them they can't have x or y when packed lunches are allowed is imo based on what the school thinks which is in turn a few senior teachers having a meeting about it.

What id your mum/dad work in that field, nutritionists for example and send you in with the sausage roll? Do the teachers feel they know better than someone trained in that field with an unrivaled intimate knowledge of that child?

I would develop a personal hate for that person and not react well to them at all in future.

Good points pal I doubt they've fully thought of the implications of the policy. What I wonder are the legalities of actually searching a child for contraband food?
First hand experience 3nsured my kids n3ver had school dinners.
We always sent them with a well balanced packed lunch full of high quality food and a meal that was not just the cheapest shit you can source with no provenance to max your profits like school dinners.
Are they replacing confiscated food with a healthy option or just stealing food and letting children go hungry ? For some folk it's all they can afford so imo the school should minds its own business.
First hand experience - big percentage of parents abdicate from their role. Lunchboxes full of crap food, not even junk food standards, is not uncommon. Cakes, sweets, pepperami, monster munch and nothing even close to nutritious. And the mum complains that he's not eating his lunch!!! Maybe he sees other kids having something good and wants that. Only 4 years old.

A bit of crap food every now and then doesnt hurt.

I do my kids lunches, plenty of good stuff in there. If I want to put a pepperami or a sausage roll in one day it's none of anyones business.
Good points pal I doubt they've fully thought of the implications of the policy. What I wonder are the legalities of actually searching a child for contraband food?

Messy i bet, like you say badly thought out if at all. I would likely be pretty shocked if a teacher went on tele and showed an average days worth of lunchboxes though to.
I had a sandwich, a pack of crisps a piece of fruit and a rocky robin chocy bar with a capri sun or something. I think that was the standard for kids when i was a nipper. They have a lot of these snack boxes now though and they look dodgy, i bet kids have a lot of them.
kids shouldn't have lunchboxes. They should be provided a balanced diet by the school and have mandatory sports/activities/crafts and skills sessions every night after school.
I would ask for alcohol consumption of teachers per week along with downloaded clones of teachers harddrives weekly. let me judge your ability to look after my little bundle of pain

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